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The Great Sniveling Bkev Slithers A

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Quixote, Dec 23, 2001.

  1. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Great Sniveling BKev Slithers Again!

    It was pointed out to me that someone using the scren name Quixote had posted a nasty little note at www.creditmania.com disparaging Bill Bauer for failing to pay me some sort of royalty. I had never even been to that site before, but I went there to look. I found the offending post in a thread about NCO. I posted the following there:

    "The last post was from Bkev or one of his trolls. My e-mail is enabled, as it is at creditnet. Any doubters can drop me an e-mail from both places and see if you don't get a reply from the same person.

    For the Record: I have never posted at this forum (until this post), and don't intend to return. I have never asked for, been promised, nor received any royalties or finders fees from Bill Bauer or anyone else I've met online. I HAVE paid for and received good advice. I've done the same thing with attorneys, doctors, automobile mechanics, and plumbers. Sometimes I'd like to do the work myself, but have someone I trust to ask advice from. I'm not hesitant to ask for and follow free advice from other creditnet members. Just this week, doing exactly that I was able to secure a $14,500 Platinum Citibank MC. I also follow good free advice on maintenance of my car and the remodeling of my home. But, I don't hesitate to pay for that advice when it makes sense to me. The Great Sniveling Bkev can't stand the idea that anybody has an idea that didn't originate with him. Now he has stooped to posting misleading statements on public forums. I'd be careful, Sniveling, you're dancing fairly close to libel."

    'Nuf Said!

  2. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    I've never posted on that other website until today either, lol, so the culprit is probably someone who had a dog running in the recent Creditnet flame race. Whoever's responsible certainly appears to be just another pathetic internet crank. :(

  3. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    I just went back and re-read that... Man, I was kinda pissed, huh? Still am, but, hey, 42 minutes it's Christmas Eve. Bigger thoughts to be had.
  4. MikeB

    MikeB Banned

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    It is a sign of true ignorance when you go around pointing the finger at people without any proof whatsoever. You're from Oklahoma aren't you? Explains it. Say hi to Bill for me.
  5. mglanham

    mglanham Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    Hopefully both of them won't be allowed to come back. I just took a look at that website and it mimics what use to happen here. What a pain in the a@@. Regardless of whether I like them or not, they are more annoying then helpful.
  6. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    THAT I'll agree with. Completely.

    Mike, I live in Temecula, CA. It's on I-15 half way between San Diego and Riverside. A lot of vineyards and wineries. Stop by if you're in the area.

    Mike, I hope something really joyous happens to you this Christmas. Maybe it will put things in perspective. I just found out minutes ago that my company is going out of business. Merry Christmas Mike.
  7. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    I'm truly sorry to hear that, Quixote. I know it's a cliche, but I hope everything'll turn out okay for you.

  8. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A


    Very sorry to hear about your company. I hope things work out for you. Merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year.

  9. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    Quixote, so sorry to hear your bad news. Perhaps something better is coming your way. You deserve good things. :)
  10. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    Quixote, there is no good time to hear this kind of news, but this has to be the absolute worse. I pray that you find a job quickly!

    Like you and Doc I have never visited Creditmania before yesterday and am not registered there, so was quite surprised to see I had posted something on that forum.

    A very Merry Christmas to you and yours, and may the New Year bring you a new and better Job!

    Keep your chin up!
  11. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    LOL tuit, you too? What a riot!
  12. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A


    I am so sorry to hear about your company. I live in Winchester. I know this has nothing to do with anything, but I'm close by if you need a shoulder.

  13. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A


    Damn! What a Christmas present :(

    I'm sorry to hear about the job, I hope everything works out for you!
  14. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    Thanks for all the warm wishes.

    I have a really unique sense of timing. I know working for high tech startups makes you vulnerable to this kind of thing, but jeez. Last time this happened, I found out, and I'm not making this up, on my way back from the graveside services following my dad's funeral. Being philosophical about it at the time, I told the bearer of the bad news that "Hey that's not even the worst thing that's happened to me today." No such luck this time. I am going to get two weeks severance and the three weeks vacation I have accrued, so there's at least a little bit of a cushion. But I've got to move fast. We just signed a lease option on our first home, a $300K house (bobbidk you'll know what this means--it's in Meadowview!) that we're getting for probably $50-$75K under market. I have absolutely got to pull that off. Not only would I be out the depsosit, but opportunities like thst don't come along every day. Thanks God I've already gotten so much of the credit nonsense cleaned up. I'd hate to be facing that right now without having already made so much progress.

    Wish me Luck!

  15. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    Yeah Breeze. Never did figure out what I posted but it indicated I had started the thread, go figure. I get in enough trouble on my own, don't need no stinking help! And I don't care what anybody thinks I don't live anywhere near OK City! Anyway got way too many other important things to worry about to let this bother me too much. Just can't get Tuit right now LoL

    A Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours breeze and give your Mom a big ole Christmas hug for me! :)
  16. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    On a totally unrelated subject; Are you the mythical 'Round Tuit', as In "When I get a 'Round Tuit?"?

    Sorry, if I don't crack a joke once in awhile, I'll go insane.
  17. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    Quixote, You have the power of all the Creditnetters wishing you Luck! Thats a lotta pull bound to have a good effect for you!
  18. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    You Got It! Never lose your sense of humor it will keep you in good stead...soooooo good for the soul!!!
    Tuit :)
  19. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    Thank you!! I hope your Christmas and New years are terrific!!

  20. MikeB

    MikeB Banned

    Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A

    My mistake, Quixote. I thought you lived in OK for some reason. Nothing personal; it is a tradition for Texans to harrass Okies. I work with a former Californian. Other than being a Republican, he is not that bad:)

    I had a wonderful Christmas with my family. The smile on my son's face as he saw his new computer was enough for me. It was a complete surprize...

    The company that I work for is currently for sale as well. I have no worries, as I am sure everything will work out for the best.

    Well, I have a Christmas dinner to attend soon. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas as well. OMG, look what I did to my credit card ratios this year! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hehe.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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