Hi, The Speigel card can be used at Spiegel, Eddie Bauer and Newport News. I have the Newport News card and pay my bills at the local Eddie Bauer stores. Never had a problem with the card and they generate increases about once a quarter. Started with $300 now at $900 in less than one year. I believe it is one of the easiest cards to get and really has helped me rebuild my credit. nj_newbie
I was turned down for Spiegal due to my BK. It was removed off my report (TU) but still shows up under a couple of my trades as part of the BK. I called to dispute and they told me that is why I was denied.
Spiegel was included in my b/k. Afterwards I still shopped from their catalog, I just used my Visa debit card. One day I was sent a catalog that had a pre-approved credit offer it said I could use right away. It was a very low limit but it was quickly raised to 3,000.00. If you shop from there already just keep your eyes out. I nearly missed it. I think it was on the back cover or just an insert.
<<newbie, what r your scores or what were the when you got the card? what kind of derogs did you have? >> My scores are 595, 550, 515. I got the card maybe 1 year post bk. I have collection accounts and judgments. However, all with the exception of two were included in the bk. The two collection accounts appeared after getting the card. hope this helps. nj_newbie
They mailed me one back in 7/97. Stuck it in my wallet and never used it. Decided this year to see if it was still good been using it ever since. It started out with $250. 4months later 500, next month 750 and by October I was at 1750! I like how they give credit increases regularly.
I got pre-approval from the mail two years ago and I got approved for $850. I used it twice and I didn't find any useful for it. They increased my credit limit to $1850 because I used it. They did report to all credit buraus monthly but no rewards. You can use it at Spiegel,EddieBauer, Newport News. Ron.