Speigel card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by peeper, Dec 26, 2001.

  1. peeper

    peeper Well-Known Member

    i was offered a speigel card is this just a store credit card or can it be used anyplace Thanks
  2. nj_newbie

    nj_newbie Well-Known Member


    The Speigel card can be used at Spiegel, Eddie Bauer and Newport News. I have the Newport News card and pay my bills at the local Eddie Bauer stores. Never had a problem with the card and they generate increases about once a quarter. Started with $300 now at $900 in less than one year.

    I believe it is one of the easiest cards to get and really has helped me rebuild my credit.

  3. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    newbie, what r your scores or what were the when you got the card? what kind of derogs did you have?
  4. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    I was turned down for Spiegal due to my BK. It was removed off my report (TU) but still shows up under a couple of my trades as part of the BK. I called to dispute and they told me that is why I was denied.
  5. Maer

    Maer Well-Known Member

    Spiegel was included in my b/k. Afterwards I still shopped from their catalog, I just used my Visa debit card. One day I was sent a catalog that had a pre-approved credit offer it said I could use right away. It was a very low limit but it was quickly raised to 3,000.00.
    If you shop from there already just keep your eyes out. I nearly missed it. I think it was on the back cover or just an insert.
  6. nj_newbie

    nj_newbie Well-Known Member

    <<newbie, what r your scores or what were the when you got the card? what kind of derogs did you have?

    My scores are 595, 550, 515.

    I got the card maybe 1 year post bk. I have collection accounts and judgments. However, all with the exception of two were included in the bk. The two collection accounts appeared after getting the card.

    hope this helps.

  7. LAT

    LAT Well-Known Member

    They mailed me one back in 7/97. Stuck it in my wallet and never used it. Decided this year to see if it was still good been using it ever since. It started out with $250. 4months later 500, next month 750 and by October I was at 1750! I like how they give credit increases regularly.
  8. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    I got pre-approval from the mail two years ago and I got approved for $850. I used it twice and I didn't find any useful for it. They increased my credit limit to $1850 because I used it. They did report to all credit buraus monthly but no rewards. You can use it at Spiegel,EddieBauer, Newport News.


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