Juniper Bank

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by 2244y, Dec 26, 2001.

  1. 2244y

    2244y Well-Known Member

    Hello all.I have had their credit card for one year and never been late or over limit.I got their 3.99%APR checks early this month,I wrote some checks about $4,500.Today I found out they just closed my account.The Rep. couldn't tell me the reasons why they closed my account,she asked me to contact their credit Dept. but I couldn't go through it.BTW I have never been late on any other my credit card.I know "account closed by creditor" will appear on my credit report soon,my question is how that will influence my credit rating?thanks for advance.
  2. zcraws33

    zcraws33 Well-Known Member

    I am not sure if this is what happened to you, but I think Juniper does this as a security precaution, if they see a "large" transaction. Usually when you call c/s they will transfer you to security that will verify your information and release "the hold".
    good luck
  3. 2244y

    2244y Well-Known Member

    zcraws33,thanks for your reply,my account has been "hold" for twice before,once when I made a large purchase on my other card ,another time was when I used Juniper to order credit report.But today I was told by their Rep. the account was closed.I do have high credit card balance but I always have high balance and my utilization for credit is less than 35%.
  4. zcraws33

    zcraws33 Well-Known Member

    I am not sure then. Maybe you can call and ask to speak with a supervisor? You deserve an explanation. Good luck.
  5. fand123

    fand123 Well-Known Member

    For those of you have cards from Juniper, Is this a normal practice with Juniper or just a freak incident?
  6. jsever

    jsever Well-Known Member

    Maybe this has something to do with my earlier post "Question re: inquiries." They may have done a review (you said you had the card about 1 year) and checked a different cra. Anyway, I got no response to my post.
  7. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Why does Juniper put your account on hold if you make a large purchase with another card? Why would Juniper put your account on hold at all? Someone also mentioned that Juniper pulls excessive inquiries and watches your reports like a hawk. Is this true? How many times a year are we talking? 4? 12? 100?

    Thanks in advance.

  8. 2244y

    2244y Well-Known Member

    They told me there were unusal activities on my other credit cards,that's why they put my card on "hold",after I called they pulled EQ and TU as hard inquiries then they let me use the card again.I notice they do account review every month on TU since early this year.
  9. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member


    That seems so odd to me. I can understand Juniper being concerned about sudden increases in credit. But, if I feel like going to go purchase a brand new dining room set and put it on my Amex it's not Juniper's right to put my account with them on hold. Especially if I pay my bill on time and have never had any past problems of delinquency. Also, pulling a consumer's reports every month seems excessive to me. Once a year or even every quarter I could understand.

  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    I guess it was good I was DENIED JUNIPER...I was doing $30,000+ on DISCOVERCARD...they would think that was EXCESSIVE and close my account...
  11. ble103

    ble103 Well-Known Member

    I had have my account suspended in the past over a balance transfer returned check charge but they gave me back my avaliable credit once my check cleared but it wasn't my fault,it was discovers fault altough i have paid juniper's returned check fee of 19.00 they have been good to me infact my interest rate with juniper is 9.49% today,and i have all of my availiable credit with them.I don't know what would cause them to close an account all the way other then the fact that you may have run up some debt,and you may be paying minimum due only on every credit card causing you too be risky too them.To this day i havn't had any credit card accounts closed by the creditor!

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