OT: Auto Insurance

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mosdef, Dec 27, 2001.

  1. mosdef

    mosdef Well-Known Member

    This is off topic, but I didn't know who else to turn to and I really respect your opinions.


    I am having trouble finding an auto insurance company who will cover me. Until recently I have been under my parent's coverage with USAA, but they chose not to renew me under the plan. I am 19 years old, and have had one at fault accident (USAA paid $1000) in June 2001, and have had two recent traffic violations, <10 mph speeding in August 2000 and failure to obey traffic device in January 2000. Most of the big names will not take me, though I was able to get a quote from Liberty Mutual of $3368 for 12 months. I am looking for only the most basic (state of Maryland minimum) insurance coverage. Can you suggest any other names or things I might do to help out my chances of getting insurance? (By the way, I cannot go with Progressive even though they offered me a quote, for reasons I cannot state.) What about an insurance agent?

  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Nationwide will cover you. Also, look in your phone book for an agency with the logo for Independent Insurance Agents of America - they have access to the "no-name" companies who are actually very good companies, and will often charge you less than the major carriers.

    Does the state of Maryland have a "shared risk" insurance pool - also known as "assigned risk"? In Virginia that would probably be your best quote.
  3. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Companies like Gebco and Katz can find insurance for pretty much anybody, and can cost considerably less than MAIF, most of the time. If you live in Maryland, I'm sure you've seen the commercials with what appear to be a troupe of Solid Gold dancers, as well as the one with what's-his-name of the Baltimore Ravens. Normally, these would be huge red flags when it comes to insurance shopping, but when you're in the 3k+ premium range, you might not have a whole lot of choices (no offense intended; for a couple of years, I, too, had to suffer through insurance payments that were more expensive than the car note itself).

    Sorry to sound so bleak,

  4. mosdef

    mosdef Well-Known Member

    I called an insurance agent who quoted me at $1629 for 12 months of basic coverage under the Maryland Auto Insurance, which is offered by the state of Maryland for people in my situation. That is a much better quote than anything else I've seen. I wonder why this is the cause though - I would assume they would charge you more because they are "worst-case scenario" insurance. What is the catch?
  5. mosdef

    mosdef Well-Known Member

    No offense taken, it was my own fault that I'm in this situation. I wonder if you could look at my 2nd post and explain why the Maryland Autio Insurance is so cheap - is the coverage that bad?
  6. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    How you tried Erie? My family had them when we lived in Maryland. They're also pretty competitive in pricing. Just look in the phone work and there should be a couple of local agents listed. Good luck.

  7. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Man, 1.6k is pretty good for MAIF. From what I remember (this was back around '89-'90) the policy didn't include a lot of things like towing, coverage for stereo equipment, air bags, etc. Also, other factors that might tip the scales in your favor with larger carriers, like good grades, anti-lock brakes, and anti-theft devices, etc. didn't seem to matter to MAIF.

  8. Gumbo

    Gumbo Well-Known Member

    My son is in Maryland and has a few accidents and tickets. He is with GEICO and they have been fair to him. It is an expensive state for insurance.

    I think the reason some companies give you high quotes is just their way of saying they don't want your business. There are companies that will take you with your problems - just keep looking.
  9. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Try Farmer's or Zurich (have to look hard for this one, but they are pretty good) also Aon.
  10. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Sounds like MAIF is the assigned risk pool for MD. The reason it is cheaper is that the state sets the premium - it is often the best deal, especially if you are just getting liability insurance.

    It works like this: all the "bad drivers" policies are "pooled" and randomly assinged to one of the companies licensed to do business in the state of MD. The company has to accept this if they want to do business in your state. So you may end up with Allstate or State Farm, or Nationwide or Eerie, or Gebso (whoever they are LOL). You don't know which company it is until you get the policy.

    Your record is not that bad, a lot of drivers in these plans have really really bad records - you are a "peach" compared to some, hehe.

    I'm an agent in VA.

    Be good and maybe USAA will take you back one of these days.
  11. mosdef

    mosdef Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the help guys! I really appreciate it.

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