BofA via PFB - Success???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by $wealth$, Dec 19, 2001.

  1. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    Has anyone had success getting a reconsideration via PFB with BofA?

    Denied for: Inquires blah blah blah
    # of Bank/National Accounts blah blah
    % of Revolving credit used blah blah

    Do you think these objections can be overcomed with a letter? If so, what would be a good approach to use?
  2. Lonergr66

    Lonergr66 Well-Known Member

    I will let you know when I hear something, I wrote them for the same reasons but I also have a $80K mortgage with them. Its been two days. nothing yet.
  3. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member


    Yes please let me know your outcome.

    If you care to share, how did you address their denial reasons in your letter?

  4. Lonergr66

    Lonergr66 Well-Known Member

    I really didn't address the reasons too much just that they have made over 15K in interest on me over three years since they have had my mortgage. On the too many inquires I just told them they were due to auto loan and insurance inquiries, which they were.
  5. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    Lonergr66...Have you heard back from you letter yet?

    I have absolutely no patience, so I called and spoke with a nice rep who said she would forward my application to a manager for reconsideration. She said to call back on Wednesday and they would have a answer.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for the both of us:)
  6. Lonergr66

    Lonergr66 Well-Known Member

    12/27 Approved plat 5K!!!! Hang in there $Wealth$
  7. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    Wow, Congratulations!

    I guess having patience really pays off.

    Regarding my phone call to the nice rep for reconsideration...still no:( So now I'm off to write them via Planetfeedback.

    I'm so happy for you, I you have given me new hope.

  8. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    Hey...almost a month later and FINALLY APPROVED FOR BANK OF AMERICA PLATIUM.

    It has been a long haul. I initially applied back in late Nov. or early Dec. Denied for reasons listed above. Thought I could get somewhere by just calling for a reconsideration. Well they reconsidered and still denied.

    Obviously, calling wasn't the way to go. So I shot off a letter via Planetfeedback. Received a phone call from the Excutive Offices. Very nice person said I was still DENIED. Main reason was that my mortgage did not report on my TU file.

    Agreed to reconsider again, but this time pulling my Equifax file where my mortgage was reporting.

    Well...after a week and a half of not being able to access my Equifax file....I was finally approved!

    Really, I mean it...I am done appling for credit! I have all the prime cards I need now. Just waiting until the inquiries fall off.

    And if BofA is reading this board. THANK YOU! Your service is top notch, and representative are very pleasant, even if you had to tell me no.
  9. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    I agree, $wealth$. BofA executives really are some of the nicest people I've run across. And, congratulations on your new card. Did you get a fixed rate or an intro rate?
  10. superadman

    superadman Banned

    I am very encouraged by reading your stories.
  11. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    Marci...Don't know details yet. Executive office said I should receive my welcome package within the next few days. It should tell me everything.

    Superadman...I'm glad to hear what I have to share is encouraging to someone. Thanks

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