I called today about my over 60 days since investigatin (see other post) and while I was on the phone I mentioned that I had just gotten married. She said Ok what is your new name and I told her, she said that's changed and your hubby's name, she added that and said to me then "If you would like to share his account history just give me his SS# and we can change that too". Of course I gave it to her, since he has perfect credit. Will it really affect anything? I could have given her Donald Trump's SS for all she knows. She just typed in everything I told her.
...And I asked for the CREDIT LIMIT to be stated on my AMEX BLUE...what happened??? ACCOUNT IS GONE...AND STILL GONE!!!
All that will happen now is his name will appear under the "spouse's name" section. You can't "share" credit history unless you have either joint accts or AU accounts. Experian is unbelieveable. MY hubby just got an updated report with the "we have previously investigated these items" I'm trying to write an investigate it or get sued letter, but man am I horrible at it. KHM
Your writing is just fine!! Why do you think you can't write a letter? Tell them exactly what you just said, girl. See, this is what you just said: There is nothing wrong with your writing!! I have a degree in English. You get an A+
I called CBA, my local affiliate of Experian. I was told that it is a CBA policy to not reinvestigate an item that was previously verified for 6 months. I asked the rep if she knows that is illegal, and she said "I just work here, that is the CBA policy." She then asked me to hold on and retrieved my last two letters to CBA, proving that my items were verified within the last 6 months, so I was out of luck. I tried faxing a letter to their legal dept but after a year, I have yet to get anything thru on a fax to Experian, it is busy constantly, so I am mailing it tomorrow. I am wondering if they really keep our disputes on file somewhere. It would seem that there would be too many, but perhaps not for a local affiliate?
In March 2001 my husband's credit report (experian) had a derog that I did not agree with. I called experian and told them that. (did not know at the time, but i guess that was a dispute) Well by April I received another credit report with it stating they verified the acct. Was not smart enough to call back and tell them to send me proof. Well just got his credit report last week and under the orginial derog it now states: Account verifed 4/2001. So I think they are keeping tabs that way.
Whats reallly annoying is that they refused to investigate my lien, but they listed the verified date as 12/10/01! In other words, they wont do the dispute, but they list the date that I tried to get it done, so I cant dispute again until June, or 6 months from now!
I am curious. If you ask for the CBA to verify an item and they say its verifiable--do they have to prove it to you? I have read countless posts saying they (experian especially) verify information that creditors can't even verify. Like I previously posted, I disputed an item 4/01. I sent the actually c/a a dispute letter (still haven't gotten the green card yet) 2 weeks ago. I plan to send experian another dispute letter but don't they want proof that it is not your account?
That is when you send the "process" letter. They have to prove that they really did verify it by telling you how they did it. Many people have caught them lying about it - that is how they keep getting sued.
Thank you breeze. I am going to redispute this item since it was March when I orginally disputed. Then if they try to say it's already been verified I'll send the process letter. Isn't it funny that it is OUR information--yet we have to pay to look at it. We have to fight to correct it--And Make them prove to us it is ours. They on the other hand they can lie (CA and CBA's) and you have to fight them at every angle. This doesn't seem right does it? lol
No, it isn't right, LOL. That's why we're all here and fighting back! When they changed my DOB to 1919, I called them, I was friendly, and laughing about it, and they made me send them proof!! I thought (and still think) it is hilarious. A creditor changed my address to Xxxxx Lane Lane I wrote them and said, "put it back the way it was" - only one "Lane" - they refused because a creditor reported it that way!!! Like they know and I don't, hahahahaha!!