At the end of our jorney...HELP!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sm691, Dec 28, 2001.

  1. sm691

    sm691 Well-Known Member

    Well, thanks to you all we are almost at the end of our journey with CREDIT REPAIR!! I don't post here much, but have been reading the posts for more thank a year, and you have all helped me a great deal. There are still a few things on my husbands reports that we have repeately disputed with no success, so I thought I would see what your advice is on the next step.

    1) Victorias Secret -- DLA?? as of 6/2001 charged off as bad debt. His ex opened it up and then neglected to pay it off. The ballance is only $250, so I had planned on trying to pay off in exchange for a deletion or changing to R-1 status. Have not sent and verification letters...

    2) Discover -- DLA 1/96. They have a judgement against him for the full ammount, which we have been able to get deleted from all three reports. We have not paid on it because, quite honestly, we have not had the money. We will have some additional cash flow after the first of the year, so I could pay it then. We have not sent any verification letters...

    2) Asset Acceptance -- DLA?? Last reported in 2000. He honestly does not know what the heck this is. I received a nasty letter from them and sent the verification letter certified, return reciept and they received it, but sent us no response. They have not cleared it off his credit report, either. What is the next step??

    Thanks in advanve for your help!!

  2. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    1. Victorias secret- Personally for $250 I would call the creditor and offer them full payment in exchange for a deletion. Or you can go thru the whole validation process. Your call, i would go with the first for such a small amt.
    2. I have no clue about judgements, but if it's not reporting I would think your best bet is not to kick up dust. Like I said though I have NO CLUE about judgements.
    3. Asset Acceptance Corp buys bad debts, what I am thinking is maybe AAC bought the discover debt. Check to see if the amounts are about he same. My husband had them on his report, I called all three bureaus and said every number I had was no good for them (disconnected or out of service) which it was at the time (2 yrs ago). Also tell them you have tried to contact them by mail and you get no response so if you can't validate then how is EXP, TU and EQU. Then send out the estoppel (if it's been 30 days since the validation letter).

    Hopefully someone else can shed some light on the Discover judgement.

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