How many points will I gain?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by QUEEN_BEE, Dec 30, 2001.


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Just want some opinions on how much do you estimate that my FICO will go up after the deletions of:
    >>Judgment-filed 5/99 (paid, $7000)
    >>Judgment-filed 8/97 (paid, $1000)

    The other accounts are perfect:
    1. Americredit-opened 11/00
    2. Cap One-opened 8/01, bal 300, cl 800.
    3. Money Tree-petty loan, opened 6/98, paid out
    4. Money Tree-petty loan, opened 4/98, paid out
    5. Money Tree-petty loan, opened 5/98, paid out
    6a. car loan-opened 8/95, transferred or sold
    6b. car loan-opened 8/95, paid out 6/97

    Current EQ FICO=617

    What do you think?
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I don't know, but please post when you find out. I just got an unpaid judgement deleted from my dh's credit report. The only negs' he hasleft are from cap one chargeoffs and we are hopng Mr. Cook comes through on those. Now I have to work on adding some positives to his credit, oh and a couple of late pays.

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