How is everyone doing? I've been busy with the holidays, entertaining visitors, cooking, & cleaning! I haven't done any disputes this month, aaack I missed the CHOD - so resolution # 1 - Dispute Dispute Dispute all year #2. Get another card #3. Get $$$ is the bank - need to buy a home before Fall. Quite ambitious it is. Finally, #4, which actually should be first, is to make a budget for DH & myself. (Hmmm... DH.... Doody Head... is there a connection there?)
Hey Doodyhead, My scores are like 669 TU and 591 Equifax. I don't know what Experian is. I had absolutely NO LUCK with my Chod disputes anyway. My plan is to quit applying for things this coming year (with BK last March, I get turned down left and right) I'm going to just pay on my Providian and Orchard cards to rebuild that payment history. Hopefully I'll be in better shape next year. It's soooo hard, I get the "fever" of wanting SO BAD to try to get approved when everyone posts on their good luck here off and on!! It gives me hope and I want to APPLY!!!!! Good luck to you and your resolutions!! Patience is key in this whole credit rebuilding process. Hang in there!
I'm thinking of applying for a providian.. do you think I have any chances? I keep getting preapproval offers from Cross Country, but they scare me!
My husband and I both applied for Providian while we were disputing. It worked because when he applied a couple of months before that he got declined. Maybe try once you get those disputes in. I haven't had any problem with them at all, I make my payments online and it's been working out great. I know the terms aren't great for now but we have to start somewhere. I know what you mean about CCB. I got their offer recently and was really tempted, but decided against it. I then saw their ad on a late night TV commercial with the exact same terms, I guess it's pretty standard. They don't have that "monthly" fee though like some of the others do, and I've read posts where they have been decent to some. What bothered me is after their set up fee and annual fee, with a min $300 limit I would be close to being maxed out if that's all they gave me (And with my luck that's probably all I'd get!) You have to work with what you can though. My opinion is to use it as the tool that it is and move on when you can to a better deal. We've just got to get that positve repayment history and aged accounts going. Good luck to you! You certainly aren't alone!
My resolution is to get out of the 500 club seriously though, Dispute remaining negs Keep balances on cards low by paying in full Try to get target card this spring ;0) Save money for new house
My resolution is to also get out of the 500 club. (Scores are EQ 536, TU 515, EX 522.) I will NOT apply for any credit in the year 2002 unless an emergency comes up, I will pay my credit cards bills on time, and I have established a realistic budget that I can stick to. Hopefully, I will be in the 600's by this time next year. Good Luck, everyone!!!
My resolutions are to get Experian to reinvestigate the stuff they refuse to reinvestigate. Consolidate my SL's. Pay my bills on time. Get more credit increases on the cards I currently have. Hope I got Citi.