I lOVE the men at Cap One Exec!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PSUgirl, Dec 31, 2001.

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  1. PSUgirl

    PSUgirl Guest

    Happy New YEARS.....eve!

    What a great way to start my new years off!

    Of course one of my new years resolutions is to get rid of any dings on my credit reports! So, I got all three of them from off line.

    Worst thing: theres some fingerhut (which i never had an account with them, i dont think) charge off! (really pissed me off....after all this time building good credit and this shit happens!)

    Other than that, there are just some minor stuff like my gm and household card are reported as closed (i closed them and reopened them)...so i called them on it to fix it and report it right.

    On my equifax there was 2 capital one account reported, should only be one (i received an upgrade to gold and they are still reporting the classic open and active)

    SOOOOO, I called the exec offices of capital one and tried to speak to mister cooke, he wasnt there. So, I called back a few min. later and got this guy (matt) that answered the phone (i figured that I would just work with him). Told him that I was looking for a limit increase and about my double credit reporting problem. He fixed the double reporting problem with equifax and should be updated in 30-60 days.

    He was also sooo into the fact that I go to Penn State ( I dont know how he knows that from my acct., maybe my address) but he was like...go nittany lions....i was like. OK.

    I started talking soft and sexy to him explaining to him that my current limit is 3600 and I was looking to go to 4000. He put me on hold and came back in like 30 sec and told me that he would do it for me, but that i cant request another increase until 6 mths. yeah right!

    He was so into talking to me about penn state, but i didnt care, he gave me another 400 on my credit line. Sucks they dont report it!

    But, I love the men at Cap One's exec offices!

    So, now my credit portfolio is:

    Lerner NY 300 limit
    Capital One Gold 4000 limit (almost to plat!)
    Houshold bank 1500 limit
    Discover 1000 limit
    Citibank 5400 limit
    Providian get smart 1000 limit
    GM card 1405 limit

    Has anyone had luck combining GM and Household?

    Well, off to send validation to fingerhut!

  2. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

    Household pulls a hard inquiry in order to combine household accounts.

    I figured it wasnt worth it, since they give such small limits and are stingy on the increases and APR reductions.

    I tried PFB, NO SUCCESS!!!!

    If you have an inside tip, like telling them I go to UT-El Paso, please let me know?
  3. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Ooh, ooh, maybe if I tell them I go to George Mason and talk "sexy" to them they'll give me a card and won't even pull an inquiry.

  4. Beaker

    Beaker Well-Known Member

    ROFL!!! You kill me Dani! So that's what we've been doing wrong...:p

    Next time I dial up Citibank, perhaps I'll ask the guy what he's wearing--?
  5. PSUgirl

    PSUgirl Guest

    You guys! Dont be mad because some people have it and some people dont!

    And remember, dont let anyone tell you that the school you go to doesnt matter in life!


    ps thanks rashod, I hate HB card, if it wasnt for them always sending me 1.9% offers for 6 month period, i would close them out!

    GM card isnt that great either, not like its doing me any justice. I just brought my care in june, so im gaining those gm points for nothing.
  6. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

  7. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    See how much I have learned in one day. Thank you, PSU Girl. I thought it was my credit and income that mattered. Just think of the credit line I could have gotten from Juniper if I told the guy who took my application that I was wearing nothing, but my velvet bra and underwear from Victoria's Secret. Hell, $100,000 would have been nothing.

  8. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Now I'm crying!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha

  9. Beaker

    Beaker Well-Known Member

    Me too!! <wiping tears>

    Seriously, I could bat my eyelashes and sweetly coo my way through life IF I wanted to, but....I don't. I won't. And I don't have to.

    But, to each her own! Whatever works for you. :)

    Happy New Year everybody!
  10. PSUgirl

    PSUgirl Guest

    I bet your not laughing as load as I was when I saw your "wedding pic's" I mean, my roomates and I had a ball laughing at those. Can we say "white trash"!!!!

    And, I still wonder why you are finding your way into my posts....for no reason! Your not giving any usful information. Think about it! You look like you belong to one of the trailer homes around here at Penn State.


    p.s. dont you have a job! :)
  11. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    You must be confusing me with someone who gives a crap about your financial situation. Unfortunately, I don't. SO...stop being self conscious and be a grown up.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, cool it! I thought we were a family...(although a lot of dysfunctional families sling insults like this) LOL

    Seriously, no drama girls, its not worth it.
  13. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    No drama from my end. I'm not the one slinging insults around. I'm just being a good creditnet member. :)
  14. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    <Previous Post Edited>

    Nevermind...I don't want to start nothin...
  15. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    That's pretty low and uncalled for. Erica made a beautiful bride and I wish her and Shawn all the happiness in their future together.

  16. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Damn, that was cold.
  17. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I changed my mind too....
  18. SisterGirl

    SisterGirl Well-Known Member

    PSU Girl,

    Why the hell do you even bother to show your face ? Who even cares that you are immature enough to lose your job over some guy using your ass for sex ?

    You are gonna rule the damn world, right ?...Pleez...get a grip & get that opium pipe out of your mouth.

    In response to your post about Erica....a bit JEALOUS, aren't you ?

    You are ignorant & always will be .

    Sister Girl

    P.S---Don't like me ? ....don't care.
  19. BigH

    BigH Guest

  20. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    And you are a good creditnet member, Erica, as far as I'm concerned and I'm sure others will agree. I've only been here since October but I appreciate your willingness to help and share your credit experiences. You ABSOLUTELY contribute to this board without question. Those rude comments seem to have come out of left field with no rhyme or reason.
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