I lOVE the men at Cap One Exec!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PSUgirl, Dec 31, 2001.

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  1. brad

    brad Well-Known Member

    Let's clean it up girls,or someone is going to get a spanking :)
  2. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    I wasn't gonna get in on this, but what the heck - I'm not doing anything else right now, except trying to convince my cat not to lay on my keyboard.

    Anyway, if the men at Cap1 get their jollies making little girls think that they are dumb enough to grant credit to someone on the basis of a short skirt or sexy voice, then so be it. I mean, even bankers need a good laugh every now and then, don't they? <g>

    I sincerely doubt that your voice or choice of words made them make the decision in your favor.

    Quit selling yourself short. You're here trying to learn how to better your credit - if you weren't a good customer, they wouldn't have given you the increase. Sex appeal has nothing to do with your credit score. If it did, only beautiful people would have good credit and I'd still be living in a mobile home and being called 'trailer trash' by smart ass college kids.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I thought that was a BEAUTIFUL picture...send it to BRIDE'S MAGAZINE..."CUTE COUPLES OF 2000."

    I still don't know how ELVIS was able to attend...YOUR PRETTY SPECIAL TO GET HIM TO TAKE TIME TO ATTEND YOUR WEDDING.
  4. PSUgirl

    PSUgirl Guest

    O YES, compare a 22 yearold who has had credit for 1.5-2 years to a like 100 year old!

    no competition. now, competition against my dad, your in the dust :)

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    Lerner NY 300 limit
    Capital One Gold 4000 limit (almost to plat!)
    Houshold bank 1500 limit
    Discover 1000 limit
    Citibank 5400 limit
    Providian get smart 1000 limit
    GM card 1405 limit
  6. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    PSUgirl, if you sincerely came to this board to get some good advice on credit, I think you might want to not be so insulting to other people. There is a wealth of knowledge here and nobody will want to help you if you continue to be that way.
  7. PSUgirl

    PSUgirl Guest

    JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE, stop making yourself look like an ass. What do I have to be jealous of, absolutly NOTHING (and i do mean that)

    when am i at any of her (or yours for the sake of it) posts?

    do i respond to any post she (or you) makes?


    but my post seem to pull you in to read them!

    Stop kidding yourself. If this was real life, you would have swollowed your words. and by the way, if you think anyone can be jelous of that, i wouldnt be suprised to see what you look like! (probably not much better.)


    p.s. how can you show your face on a credit board?
    (you really need a reality check, this board is getting to you, get a life!)

    THIS IS ABOUT CREDIT, AND WHEN I POST ITS ALWAYS ABOUT CREDIT UNLESS SOMEONE CHOOSES TO START STUFF WITH ME FIRST (dont dish it if you cant receive it back) and whats the point of going of the topic anyway, your not amusing anyone but yourself and after its done youll still be following me around on this board like your my pet!

  8. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately drmgirl6, this so called excuse for a woman has ALWAYS done this since they day she came here, it is best not to even offer her advice, she is ignorant, obnoxious and dumb as dirt. So just move on and hopefully she will crawl back under that rock that she came from.
  9. gad8

    gad8 Well-Known Member


    I heard you are giving it up for a few F.I.C.O points. I got a few to spare so what do you say? You should be ashamed of yourself attacking Erica. She is one of the most pleasant people on this forum. Get off her back! and while you are at it get off your back as well.


    I will not stoop that low to her level, you are far more better than that!
  10. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    What does talking sexy have to do with credit?
  11. PSUgirl

    PSUgirl Guest

    Theres a lot of people on here that like to give there advice. That doesnt mean that you should take it all. Personally, anytime someone give me advice about credit I do a search on their name and find out what their past history has been like on this board. It usually rules out a lot of advice I get!

    I dont give a rats ass about someone like Erica, as far as I recall, she follows me to every one of my posts not vise versa! and, before you comment, read he responses to my posts, they arent worth the 5 dollars she used to by the ugly wedding gown with or the 2 cents she paid for her ugly husband.

    Please, people like erica, sissy girl, ect...ect... dont appeal to me at all, because I know were my reality is and I know were theirs is (on this board).

    Credit isnt my life but it is something that I enjoy learning about and experiencing. I dont post on here every day and I dont hang out here all day long (like some of you do).

    I dont ask any of you to read my posts and comment. you do it yourselves. And while most of you are sitting home on a working monday (and not at a job) commenting on what I say in my own posts, Ill be napping to get ready for a very fun night! happy happy new year.

    Last thought, many of you need a life (and if that offended you, i was probably talking about you). I will continue to do and say what I want, and If i post something about my credit, you dont have to read it, or I invite you to put me on ignore (because Im sure that your someone I dont want to hear from anyway)

    Drink up, have lots of sex, and party all night long
    P E A C E!!!! for now :)

  12. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I dont ask any of you to read my posts and comment. you do it yourselves. And while most
    of you are sitting home on a working monday (and not at a job) commenting on what I say in
    my own posts, Ill be napping to get ready for a very fun night! happy happy new year.
    WOW...I'm off for the 3rd day this month...
    I'M A SLACKER!!!
  13. Beaker

    Beaker Well-Known Member

    Well, George, you're like 100 years old...you're entitled. ;)
  14. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Not that is any of my business, but for the last 2 months I've been here, Erica has been nothing but nice...PSUgirl, if she's following you around reading your posts and you supposedly just ignor hers, how'd you see her wedding picture...clicking seems like making an effort and yet you say you don't care...Erica, you looked beautiful!! Congradulations on your marriage. I wish you all the best in everyway!! :)
  15. staces5

    staces5 Well-Known Member

    Some people (PSUgirl) are about as mature as a child!!! PUHLEASE!!!! IGNORE and move on!! Go bak to your crack party PLEASE!
  16. staces5

    staces5 Well-Known Member

    and YES Erica, you and Shawn looked awesome!!! Ignore party..oops PSU girl
  17. PSUgirl

    PSUgirl Guest


    I forgot to give credit where credit is due!

    Some of you one here are fine, your experience with credit is wonderful and I can honestly say that from the time that I have joined Ive read posts by certain menbers that are actually credable.

    I do value those of your that are credable posters and give genuine information that have helped me overcome. I have recieved a lot of my credit from learning from these certain posters.

    And, you know whom you are if your credable poster, k, bed time! bye
  18. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Wow, PSUgirl - it saddens me to think that you are representative of today's youth. You throw out insults like nasty leftovers to people trying to help you.

    If you were as smart as you should be being a fancy college girl and all, you'd do well to step back and reevaulate the tone of your posts on this board, and apologize for your sheer rudeness.

    Just goes to show that a college degree can't buy you manners.

  19. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    First of all, all Erica did was laugh. A laugh didn't deserve your jealous burst of nonsense. Personally, I'd rather have a lady like Erica than a girl that appears to be on her back all the time.

    Secondly, why do you need a nap? You already spend a lot of time on your back.

    And finally, I will recommend that PBM cut you off from this board.
  20. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    It's just that some of us know when it's appropriate to use what we've got.
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