I am sooooo happy to report that all my disputes with experian over the month of December have resulted in a .......ya ready for this......... 61 point jump in my score!!!!!! I am now in the 600 club at 611!!!!!! I felt like jumping up and down when i saw it!! I had several things deleted and some updated!! I am thrilled and I owe it all to your wisdom here!! This board rocks!! I may not always post, but it's just cause im so busy soaking in the info here!! THANKS
Oh, and I forgot, when i see a fellow board member (Erica) that has been valuable to me attacked, i will come out of lurking mode to defend!! LOL (PSUgirl thread)
congratulations........ the 500 club will miss you but you are welcome to our reunion. We will try to have it some place warm so you guys can exercise those new cita aa cards :0) LOL
Ok I'm jealous..but I'm proud for you too I'm hoping I can say that someday soon. And yes we need people like Erica on here to help us out. Erica you WERE and ARE a beautiful bride. I got married in Vegas in August myself...but Elvis didn't come to mine
Thanks Christi. At least I know who my TRUE friends are. Even those that didn't stick up for me. I love you guys!!!! PS...sorry for hijacking your thread staces5.
You NEVER answered my question...how did you ever get ELVIS to attend? You got to be pretty special for him to take the time. CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN.
That's just IT, George... Not only am I "trailer trash" but I'm special too! They make me wear a helmet when I leave the house so I don't hurt myself. Just kidding. We paid him to be there. I knew he wasn't dead.
Yeah how did you get him to attend? Oh, I bet you had to talk "sexy" first. I didn't even see him the whole 5 days we were in Vegas