When you send dispute, verification process letters, etc. to the CRA's, what happens to them? Are they scanned and saved in their computer system? Do they go to storage? Thrown away? I know a lot of suits are settled out of court, but if a suit actually goes before a judge does the CRA bring all the correspondence we have sent? Just curious.
I can't say for sure but I have done business with Experian in Chicago, and can tell you their databases are large enough to hold everything about you! Down to evey toenail clipping you have thrown out since you were born. What they have about you beyond your credit report....like shopping prefrences, shipping prefrences, favorite TV shows, most frequent dreams you have...would blow your mind! Now they claim all the other data they collect is anonymous but only the Shadow knows what evil lurks in their hearts for sure. Since they keep track of everything about you that they possibly can, including all coorespondance you volunteer to send them, I would err on the side of caution and assume they keep records of it. -Peace, Dave
Do you have any clue what their sources for all this "other" information are? I know when you use those grocery store discount "preferred customer" cards, they are mining your data, but how else are they getting it. And for heaven's sake, how can they believe anything like that is accurate? People buy things for other people all the time. I know I shop for my Mom, charge it to my AmEx card, and then she pays me back.
The same way they do with the Info that goes on your Credit report. Accurate smckurate-makes no Diff.to them. The'll find a way to use it against us.
Re: What happens to all those lette lbrown59, respectfully, why do you post the same thing repeatedly in so many threads here? Specifically, I'm referring to posts like this (my paraphrase): "I don't know the answer, but you know they're just looking for an excuse to screw you over every chance they get." Basically, you're posting stuff like that in so many threads where you don't know enough to add anything substantive to the conversation. I know you probably think this is rude of me, and I apologize because that really isn't my intention. I've just noticed that the number of your "I don't know, but they're out to get us" posts seems to increase as time goes by. Please know that all of your Creditnet friends know where you stand on the issue ("they're out to get us"), so I hope that is at least reassuring to you -- nobody's missed your important warning. Doc
Re: What happens to all those lette Hey Doc, I mentioned that to Lbrown a couple of weeks ago and apparently he was quite offended. But, you are correct, we all know exactly where he stands on this. lol
Breeze, as you can imagine they get the information from anywhere they can...mostly they buy the info. It comes from many sources like when you fill out warranty, or registration forms with questions like where you bought the item...what you paid, income, sex, ...etc. Filling out surveys at malls, those pesky dinner calls I always refuse, personal information on applications etc etc etc... Basically ANYWHERE you leave your personal info they have eyes there. Like I said Experian, (I was told) gathered their info mainly by purchasing the info...either directly, or the entire companies in a "buy out" or merger situation (if the company was in a related information collection arena), they did not collect the majority of the data themselves. They were starting to collect at least some of the data when I was dealing with them (this was quite a few years ago), certainly things may have changed, and they may have more departments that collect data themselves now, I have not kept in touch with them or the folks I was doing business with there. That is one of the main reasons I do not send in warranty cards especially the ones asking information clearly none of their buisiness beyond serial number, date of purchase, and my name...so basically none of the things in my house are under any warranty ) Have fun tonight, be safe and I wish you all the best in 2002. -Peace, Dave
Thanks! Yeah, I don't fill out surveys or warranty cards either, and I don't use the "preferred customer" cards - I won't shop where they do that. I am just wondering if they can get it from card usage or check-writing. I would like to mine their data, hehe. You have a good New Year too, and be careful out there.
My God, I hope those idiotic "suffer the consequences" letters from Lexington aren't being retained in a file somewhere. I can just see it now: Ten years from now when I am running for president the media gets hold of those letters and tells the world that I am a raving moron. Not that they'd be far off, but I don't need the extra help.
Thanks Dave, that was one of the funniest things I have ever read on here. I sucked some tea up my nose when I read that.
I shop at a store that uses one of those cards my name is Mrs. Jim Shoes. Funny thing is one month they did a thing that when you spent over 250.00 in a month you got a free gas certificate. Ummm.. I couldnt use that!
Interesting how they may be keeping those letters, collecting info on you, yet they still can't get things correct on your credit report. Even when you put it in front of their nose. Then they should also be keeping all the updates with the corrections that the creditors send them to update your credit profile. Yet they still don't do it. Maybe one CRA will update to correct the item and the others won't. Can't figure it out.
Breeze: Yesterday I got a four page form titled National Consumer Survey. In the fine print, it is disclosed that they are they are Experian. They say that if you help them with their "consumer research", many companies would send you valuable coupons for your help. Among other things, they ask: Whether you rent or own; your education; your occupation, your children, grandchildren; veteran?; do you have a septic tank?; your diseases (in great detail); medicines you take; menopause symtoms (if so, what are they?); magazines you read; what brand you smoke and so on. There are a lot more questions, but you get the message. How would you like all of this on your credit report? They even ask about your dog. Based on a post by George last week, I would be afraid they would list my dog as my spouse.
Oh gumbo!! You've got to be kidding!! But you know, a lot of people are so flattered that someone wants to know about them, they will fill it out and mail it back!! So, what are you going to send them in reply, hehe?? Perhaps we could make a few suggestions... umm my vote is that you answer every question with "none of your business." Maybe someone else can be more creative? This thread should get fun now. I hope they send me one.
I was not going to send it back, but if we get some creative ideas, I may. I was thinking of giving them some bs and seeing how much actually makes it way to my credit report.
It is pretty ridiculous that they are collecting info on what brand of toilet paper you prefer, but can't report something as simple as your birthdate correctly. My fiance pulled his Experian report recently and they have his birthdate listed as 1/1/1901. So hey, DF is 101 years old today! He's really only 27. Think of the implications of this. If we leave it alone, won't credit grantors do a double take when they see that the person applying for their credit card is 101, yet has no mortages, auto loans or for that matter, positive trades of any kind? Will they start reporting him as deceased later on? It would be a good way to get rid of all the derogs in his files... Breeze is right, we could definitely have fun with this!
We should wait for Quixote, and Marie, DaveLV, and Nave - I think they can contribute the sort of answers we're looking for There are lots of other witty people on here, these just came to my mind right away.