Has anyone used this letter to dispute their BK and what, if any, were the results? I got TU to delete mine off so maybe, by some miracle, it really can't be verified. What do you guys think?
I am waiting to see what happens with TU as well...my husband's BK reports as "0 liabilities," which obviously is way wrong. So we just disputed it as "liability amount wrong," and no other info. It will be off in 2003, so in any case it's on the downswing. I am guessing the very worst scenario is they do the research, pull the documents and get the correct liability info from the courts. I'll post and let you all know what happens; it would be great if we could get it off! The amount is also a little bit off on one of the the other CRAs, but only by about $30 (for real). I've wondered if the same thing, but also wonder if it's just rounded off. On the other hand, if it's wrong, then it's wrong and they shouldn't report it with even a $1 amount difference.
My bk-13 is listed as dismissed on my TU report but in reality it was discharged. TU has verified this twice. Since EQ and EX both have my bk-13 listed as dishcarged, I am not sure how TU is able to verfied this. So I will write a letter to TU and request the information as to where and how they were able to verify this error. I will keep the board posted. Best regards, Mirage
I called TU on this subject last week. I had a BK13 filed in 5/99 but I didn't go through with it and it was dismissed in 6/99. The TU report shows filed 5/99 paid 6/99. I told them this is incorrect. It was dismissed for failiure to pay the filing fees as decided not go with it. The rep said that is the way the software is - it really means dismissed 6/99. That is a bunch of crap. FCRA say all info reported must be 100%accurate, which obviously this is not. The other 2 cra's deleted it. I'm still trying to figure out how to go after TU on this. I want it deleted.
LKH- your right that's bunk. There is a big difference between a discharged and a dismissed bk notation. When I applied for a mortgage last year I cannot recall how many times I had to explain why the difference bewteen the CRA reports to the lenders. Best regards, Mirage
Newstdt, look for the procedure request letter under sample letters from the creditnet board. There are also validation letters and some others that might prove helpful.
I disputed the BK on my husband's TU report during December CHOD because there are no liabilities listed. TU verfied the $0 liabilities. I know a couple of people that have BK's from the early 90's that just fell off. As of the last report with their BK's on there in '01 there are assets and liabilities so any "that's the way the software works" is a bunch of bull. I just sent the verification procedure letter to TU last week. Plan to sue them on accuracy and completeness per FCRA, but getting my papertrail together first. If it is not accurate and complete, and it is verified still inaccurate or complete it should not be there.