On Friday I called regarding the dispute results that were due to be completed on 11-25-01 and was told they would be deleted within 36 hrs because it was past the 30 day mark. I have been checking every since then and it's still there. This AM I printed that information out to CYA and then called them. The lady said I don't see that information etc etc. So I got online and low and behold she or they had changed the results due date to 2-01-02, making it look like I only disputed this stuff today. Thank goodness I thought to print it all out before I called them. I will faxing this to them and sending CRR today. How long do I need to give them to delete this or what should I say to them? This *&$% is getting OLD quick.
I wouldn't give them any time at all....Go straight to the courthouse and file. Period. They are breaking the law. Hopefully the printouts have the time on them. IE doesn't print the time, but netscape does. Good luck!
I think I will fax it right now and send a copy of the lawsuit to be filed if they don't delete in 5 days. I have the small claims packets ready to go against all 3 CRA's now. Will faxing it be enough of a paper trail though?
This is the kind of stuff that drives me crazy>>>. You have caught them bold faced lying and then they try to cover it up. She should have just deleted the tradelines, no doubt. Do whatcha gotta do!!!
And the lady Friday told me she put in for it to be deleted but it takes 36 hrs for the computer to update. I should have known better, I guess. I should have stayed on the phone while online until I saw them *POOF* vanish. Normally they have been my best CRA doing basically whatever I ask of them. Hell they even added my hubby, changed my name and put his SS# etc without ANY proof whatsoever on the phone the very same day. They are on drugs no doubt in my mind. I don't live very far from Allen, TX, maybe about an hr and half. I should drive up there one day and see if the short bus is coming to take them all away at 5:00. Ok, no offense to anyone, but this is starting to get on my last nerve.
Instead of giving them 5 days, I would give them until 5pm. Period. They have had over 60 days...How much longer are you going to give them?
The same thing happened to me. My results were due 12/16, then I looked last week and it had changed to 1/11, now due date is 1/20. I printed off today's date. I think I will just write an affadavit and have it notorized stating that the original date was 12/16 and use it for my upcoming small claims suit. Experian must be annoyed at me, because they deleted one of my oldest, good accounts that according to a credit report from November, wasn't supposed to come off until 2008. This dropped my score 12 points in one day. The next day I had 2 collection accounts removed and my score dropped. When I disputed some closed student accounts as closed, not open (it was showing that I was still paying on them, but they were paid off in a consolidation), they simply stated in the notes that I requested the accounts closed, they didn't do an investigation to make sure, then show the acct as closed. The acct. is still open, only with notes now. Another notch in my lipstick case. Court, here I come.
Erica, you are correct. I got paged out at work and since it's now 4:00 PM our time (mine & Experian's) I just faxed the information and gave them until 10:00 AM tomorrow or told them I would be filing the lawsuit and I WILL!!! Thanks for the vote of confidence, I guess I got scared.
I do have confidence in you. You have them by the brass. I think you just needed a kick in the as$ to get you going! Glad I could be the one to deliver for you. Keep me posted, m'kay?