But... I gained 2 more points on EX. That is 10 pts in 4 days. Once they remove the 9 pendings tomorrow that were due 11-25-01 I should have a bigger jump. Either that or a lawsuit to win Now if equisux will get off their @$$ and do something I might hit the 600 club by summer ya think? I dont' have my hopes too high yet with these dimwits.
Christi- If you don't mind me asking what does your report look like with those scores? It just amazes me how much reports can differ and have about the same score. My hubby had a 555 when we started "repairing". He had 3 negatives that only totaled 376$, 1 credit card with a 2,500 limit (243.00 balance) with a 5 year history no lates, and a car loan paid in full that was paid off in 99 started in 96, never late. Congrats!
I initiated a dispute re: a charge-off on either 12/2/01 or 12/3/01, don't remember which, however the 30 date clock is now up, and according to the status online it's still "currently being investigated"... now do I call them and tell them to delete?... or send a demand letter.
On Experian I have 12 negatives & 10 positives, about 4 inquiries in the past yr. TU I have 21 negatives and 18 positives -0- inquiries Equisux I have 14 negs & 5 positives zillion inquiries. Mostly medical collections, 3 charged off credit cards. I will post more details later or tomorrow, if you remind me or email me. About to call it a nite.
Did you do the dispute online? If so, I would call. If you did it by mail, it is 30 days from when they received it, so that would bump it til about the 10th.
mindcrime, print out a copy of that BEFORE you call in case they do like they tried to do to me today, see my other post "experian BUSTED" if I didn't print it, i would be SOL. I gave them until 10:00 am tomorrrow to delete or i'm filing a lawsuit
Christi, what about if I didn't print out the copy of it back on 12/2? I looked at it the other day, however now at the bottom it had that days date, not 12/2. Was there something special you did to get the original date back?
Oh wait, I just pulled up my screen print of "Investigation Status" page, and next to "Results Due": it says 12/19/2001. Huh? It seems like they didn't even give themselves 30 days if that's the case. And if they're truly due by 12/19/01, shouldn't something have happened by now?
Nope, I just called to give them a last chance and they are denying everything. I will be filing today or tomorrow. I have a BUSY day at work, but if I can get away before 5 I will file today.
I just checked CE and I've gained 4 more pts for 2 inquiries deleted. Hmmm only took them one day to do those, but the accounts and inquiries from October can't be done in 90+ days. They SUCK
Christi, is their anyway to get back a page that shows the original date of dispute, disputed online that is.
Geez... I really don't know. Maybe someone here will know the answer. If nobody posts to this thread maybe start a thread and ask about it. I'm filing on them TOMORROW. I'm just glad I thought to print out those 2 pages before I called Lorraine @ Experian, who coincedentally didn't put any notes in the computer.