Inquiries, how are they counted?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KK, Jan 2, 2002.

  1. KK

    KK Well-Known Member

    I am new to posting on this board. I enjoy the humor and like information that the members like sharing. I would like opinions/ideas on the following.

    I requested my score and profile from Equifax on-line in Decemebr of 2001. My score was 714 and the report was 99.9 percent correct. The only incorrect information on my profile was the dollar amount of the BK. The factors affecting my score are as follows:

    1. Reason code 40. Deragatory public record. True, My BK is NINE AND ONE HALF years old. I have lost my patience waiting for this to disappear.

    2. Reason code 14. Length of time accounts have been established. True, most accounts are 4 months to 4 years old. (All but one account have a history of at least 18 months with one account at 13 years and one account at 22 years)

    3. Reason code 8. Too many inquiries in the last twelve months. This one concerns me. I have 29 inquiries on my report BUT only two are HARD inquiries. 27 inquiries are account reviews or companies like Cap One, Nationwide Insurance and mortgage companies fishing for new clients. The two hard inquiries are Chase Credit Research (mortgage company) and a very strange one - Aman Collection FIN Recoveries. I have no idea why Aman Collection... requested my profile or why they would select to do a hard inquiry to get my profile. They surely did not get my permission to get my report. Does anyone know anything about Aman Collection Fin Recoveries? Any ideas as to why two hard inquiries be a factor in my credit score? Do they (Equifax & Fair Issac) include soft inquiries in calculating scores?

    4. Reason code 28. Number of established accounts. This explanation is VAGUE. It could be too many accounts, short credit history, file too young, file too old or maybe pull a rabbit out of a hat. Who knows.

    My main concern is number three. As I impatiently wait for my BK to get lost, I thought I would check on these inquiries.


  2. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Sounds like Aman Collections bought your account from a creditor and did not realize that you bk-ed.

    I had CA trying to collect on a bk-ed Citibank account, 4 years after the file date.

    Did you do a bk-7?

    Best regards,
  3. KK

    KK Well-Known Member

    Re: Inquiries, how are they counted

    It was a Chapter 7.

  4. shport

    shport Well-Known Member

    Re: Inquiries, how are they counted

    Funny you should mention Aman Collection. I disputed a collection from them about 45 days ago. They sent me a letter stating they would delete.

    While they were validating, the added an inquiry to my CR. I'm sure they were fishing for anything to help them validate my account. The reason for the inquiry was listed as "collection". Isn't this a violation? This is like sending me a collection letters. Should I call them and have them remove or should I send them another letter threatening to sue?

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