Stolen card/Security video

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cmbrady, Jan 3, 2002.

  1. cmbrady

    cmbrady Active Member

    A friend of mine recently recieved her credit card statement and noticed some charges on there she did not make. She disputed the charges but the rep told her that they probably will never catch whoever did it. She thinks her roomate took her card on a weekend she was working and wouldn't be going shopping therefore not noticing the card was missing and made the puchases. She is getting copies of the reciepts to see if she recognizes the signature. The question my friend had was if anyone knows how long stores keep security video for. The stores in question are BestBuy, CircuitCity, CompUSA, Sears, Macy's and Target. Thanks.

  2. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Call the Bank immediately and report card lost/stolen. The bank will sent her something to sign and the documents told the bank that she didn't make the charges. She doesn't need pay the bank even one cent. Return the letter to the bank and the bank will iisue her a new card with new number. Then she must lock all her credit card while she was at work. "Taking care the credit card just like cash or money."

  3. cmbrady

    cmbrady Active Member

    The card has already been reported stolen and the paperwork is being sent to her. Everything on that end has been taken care of. The rep just mentioned that whoever did this would probably never be caught. She was just wondering how long stores keep surveillence video for.

  4. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    It depends on the store policy and you have to know what date he/she made the purchase. I think that's the bank job and request the surveillance video. Her roommate was not stolen your friend's money and that's the bank money. It's up to the bank pressed the charge or not. As long as your friend doesn't have to pay, that's all she care.

    My advice:

    "LOCK HER CREDIT CARD. TREAT CREDIT CARD LIKE MONEY". Next time the bank will buy it.

  5. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I work for the security department at Target. I can tell you that if it is a newer store, they keep the digital video retained forever. Not sure about older stores without digital video. Your best bet is to go in to the store with the police and make sure to file a police report. Otherwise Target Security won't let you watch the video. Another thing, You have to file a police report in each city/county/town the store is in. For example, CompUSA and Target are in County A, Best Buy, Circuit City in County B, and Sears and Macy's are in Town A in County B. You'll most likely have to contact all 3 police agencies to file 3 separate police reports.

    Don't forget to cancel the cards as stolen.

    Good Luck!
  6. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    I have a friend that go shopping from time to time for a weekend with his own card and then reports
    the card as stolen next monday. Never has been catched. He uses false signature.
  7. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Your friend is TRIPPIN! WTF?

    Sounds like he could pull it off ONE TIME...but not from time to time. Stupid...
  8. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    I think Macy's keeps their tapes for 2 weeks.
  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Thre's always a first time though isn't there?
  10. cmbrady

    cmbrady Active Member

    What did he buy? Small items or big ticket items? How much did he spend total? I'm guessing they're more likely to go after someone who spends large amounts on a "stolen cc" than someone who charged say, $200.

  11. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    How do you use a false signature? Is the signature on the card the 'goofy' one and he signs his actual signature on the receipts or vise-versa?

    If they wanted to pursue this, all they'd have to do is get a handwriting analysis to compare the signatures. He may THINK the signatures are different but there are so many variables in a signatures that a layman would not be able to make his signature different enough that a graphoanalyst woudln't be able to match the two as made by the same person.

    Handwriting experts are used quite often in court. In fact, handwriting experts helped to make a profile on the guy who was sending the anthrax.


  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    His turn is comming if he keeps it up.

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