Although I am not new to pulling my credit reports, in November I made a promise to myself to pull all three of my reports as well as my wife's to straighten out the quadmire of our credit so that we can buy a house in the summer. I didn't think that there was such a forum like this before I started this time, but I am glad there is. Reading the successes of people just like me have given me a lot of strength. Pulled TU on 11/16/01: 1) BK discharged in 1995 2) 2 civil judgements which I paid off, but this report did not reflect that. 3) 2 collection accounts(both recent) 4) 2 charge offs (Cap One and Orchard) 5) 1 30 day late, 1 60 day late 6) 7 accounts unrated (Student Loans) 7) 6 accounts paid as agreed Also had a duplicated account, and an account with Household Bank that was included in bankruptcy but being reported as reconciled. Had another account that was included in bankruptcy but was right at the 7 year limit 12/01. Score: 375 Sent in some disputes online, got a new report dated 12/17/01. Made 4 disputes, results: 1) Civil Judgement - Deleted 2) Civil Judgement - Deleted 3) Capital One - remained but with a new balance $12 higher than before. 4) Amer Gen Fin - Deleted (7 year limit) Sent off some more online disputes on the CA's and the lates, as well as some inquiries on my report. Will pull score next week to see if it changes my score. Any advice?
Just keep doing what you are doing. And redispute the one that remained the same. Give it 60 days or so. I will tell you that a 375 is not pretty. Dispute with the creditors and the Credit Bureau's Also, I would wait on getting the score. I am not a mortgage expert but your rate would be VERY high even at a 550. Keep it up, it will move.
With the recent collections account, dispute them as you would like (not mine, ect). How old are those recent collections? With the charge-offs do the same. There are several sample letters on this site. Forgive me, I do not know how to link. When entering the site click on discussions then sample letters. Modify them to your situation and send certified mail, return reciept requested. FYI- I personaly do NOT sign these letters. I leave the space blank. If they do not have a signed contract with you, they can get your signature that way.