Cap One Platinum

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by steve, Jan 2, 2002.

  1. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member


    You take good notes :) I've been trying a new tactic with them and it seems to be working.

    We did some heavy home repairs and then recently I just wrecked my car and had lots of hospital bills.

    So, I put all the charges on my cards... Prov (paid in cycle), Household, NC.

    I use the Household and NC grace periods so I pay them no interest either.

    Then, I balance transfer large amounts to Cap1 (there's no charge for balance transfers). Then I make 2k+ or more payments to EACH Cap1 account per month for several months in a row.

    In essence, I funnel all bills and credit card payments through Cap1. This builds a good internal score. And yes, they get a bit of interest, but with 9.9 on all purchase rates, who cares. Cost of rebuilding.

    Within the last 4 months, my increase have now been 1k and then 2k. Sometimes back to back. I still only get the 300 auto increases, I have to ask for the rest.

    The last round of line increases put me over 5k on every card... so I asked for the plat on the mc... with the no hassle of course :)

    If you think about it, you know who I asked. But I only call that source 1-2 year. No more.

    Cash advance rates are more difficult to decrease.
    But once you get one card down, the rest follow easier with a "but my other card has xxx".

    Simple negotiating. and I'm always polite if someone can't do it that call. By the way, even I was surprised by this last round of advances in credit lines :) But they certainly can see my business flowing their way and I'm guessing balance transfers actually help your internal CAp1 score.

    Just a guess...
  2. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Nice going Marie. I'd ask "the source" to change my Visa plat. to the MC no hassle if I thought I'd be able to to do it while retaining my original account age. Now that I've closed Providian, Cap One is my oldest card and I don't want to risk losing that history.

    Funny, I have never been offered a Mastercard from Cap One...
  3. David

    David Well-Known Member

    Beg to differ---cap one is subprime---regardless of rates and TV commericals--when you deliberately do not report limits on bureaus--thereby slanting the balance to limit ratio to lower the score of a customer who might otherwise be approved by (ahem) prime card issuers--then you're captivating/trapping your customers.

    But, if people are happy with Cap One--so be it--I'm not into negotiations for terms--when I've told a customer service rep (Cap One, First USA) that I was paying them off and didn't want their %!@ card--it wasn't a ploy to negotiate; it was my way of letting them know what a load of crap their cards and companies are--not caring whether my FICO was one or a million....

    But, that's just me--

    carry on...
  4. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    I agree I don't like that practice either... but if I recall from other threads, Citi and Amex do it on some accounts too...
  5. Sub4Prime

    Sub4Prime Well-Known Member


    You take good notes :) I've been trying a new tactic with them and it seems to be working.

    We did some heavy home repairs and then recently I just wrecked my car and had lots of hospital bills.

    So, I put all the charges on my cards... Prov (paid in cycle), Household, NC.

    I use the Household and NC grace periods so I pay them no interest either.

    Then, I balance transfer large amounts to Cap1 (there's no charge for balance transfers). Then I make 2k+ or more payments to EACH Cap1 account per month for several months in a row.

    In essence, I funnel all bills and credit card payments through Cap1. This builds a good internal score. And yes, they get a bit of interest, but with 9.9 on all purchase rates, who cares. Cost of rebuilding.

    Within the last 4 months, my increase have now been 1k and then 2k. Sometimes back to back. I still only get the 300 auto increases, I have to ask for the rest.

    The last round of line increases put me over 5k on every card... so I asked for the plat on the mc... with the no hassle of course :)

    If you think about it, you know who I asked. But I only call that source 1-2 year. No more.

    Cash advance rates are more difficult to decrease.
    But once you get one card down, the rest follow easier with a "but my other card has xxx".

    Simple negotiating. and I'm always polite if someone can't do it that call. By the way, even I was surprised by this last round of advances in credit lines :) But they certainly can see my business flowing their way and I'm guessing balance transfers actually help your internal CAp1 score.

    Just a guess...

    Marie go girl!

    Capone is my oldest trade line 3.8 years so I NEED them until I can get more prime cards.
    I fully agree with your analysis, you have to ASK for the good stuff with them.

    But looking at going from 200.00 to 4900.00 in 3 years with them in my case. Most cl increases came in 2001 with another big one 1500.00 YESTERDAY!! versus dealing with Bank of marin and those other cards that only do 100.00 increase every 6 months...i will take CapOne every time!

    I see 10k cl on my CapOne cards this year, now that I know how the game is played. I will wait 2 months use the card to the limit and pay it off and ask for some more increases.
  6. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    yep. I've been looking and I would now qualify for prime cards except for the public entry bk.

    so I'm trying to figure out who else's cards I could possibly get with the bk showing.

    I won't backtrack and get subprime anymore... so I'm still looking.

    I'm hoping the Target Visa will come through (or that I can talk them into an approval). I really would like to start dumping Providian but have kept them for ratios so far.
  7. Sub4Prime

    Sub4Prime Well-Known Member

    I printed up my online statements and sent it to the CRA's Experian has my Capone limit showing today.

    The point increase?

    took me from 572 to 602! and that is with the CA's still showing up!

    it seems as ratios count big! it is shows 1500 limit with 25.00 on the card.

    They haven't put the other one on yet.

    will keep you posted......
  8. RichGuy

    RichGuy Well-Known Member

    Subprime is not Cap One at 14.9% with a $39 annual fee.
    Subprime is my newly repriced Providian card at 29.9% with a $59 annual fee.
  9. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Has any current Capital One cardholder tried to upgrade their card to this new Platinum card without having to wait for the 5k limit? Anyone tried this yet?

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