Many of you here know that I have had problems since 1998 of another woman with a similar name (she has a middle initial and I don't) showing up on my credit reports with Experian. You cannot even imagine the distress it has caused me over the years! At one point it got so bad that even her Health insurance company (Prudential) was sending me her billing statements. Why they were using Experian, I'll never know. I have a history of letters and phone calls thru all of this and had to opt-out of marketing because I was receiving all of her junk mail, etc. In addition, I wrote the CEO of Experian thru Planetfeedback trying to get him to address the problem. I never received a reply from his office - only an opt-out form in the mail (duh---I had already done that, to no avail). Today, I received notification on Credit Expert of a new account opened in my name 9/2001 with Dillards Dept. Store. I disputed online and then called Dillards. This is where it gets scary for EVERYONE. I asked Dillards HOW this happens and specifically asked if they had HER social security number. They told me that NO, since she was signed up for their card thru telemarketing they do not ask for the SSN#. They also take no responsibility because they say that when they report to the Credit Bureaus the match is supposed to be done by Name and Address only. Obviously, in my case matching by only name and address does not work. In addition, I have long suspected that not only do her things show up on my report but it is likely that MY ADDRESS is on hers and it was specifically that problem that causes me to receive her junk mail. This, too, I addressed in my PlanetFeedback letter to the CEO of Experian. They never addressed this with me but when I called and spoke to one of Experians reps by phone, they told me the only way to get MY ADDRESS off of her reports, if it is there, would be for HER to contact them. The burden SHOULD NOT be on me to contact her to tell her to contact them! What a crock! They refuse to look at her file to see if MY address is on it! Another twist to this is that in the past she used "B" for her middle initial. Now it is "C" and now this new name with the new initial shows on my report. I now have THREE names. I now have my real name (no middle initial) My parents had 6 kids and when it got to me they decided NOT to give me a middle name. I also have two of her names (obviously she used her real middle initial for some things and the first letter of her maiden name for others). I'm ready to sue and NOT in small claims court. Could someone please post the name and contact of that law firm that has a record of taking on the Credit Bureaus? I'm beyond exhasperated at this point!
R. Stuart Phillips is the one I am waiting to hear from with regards to whether or not he's going to take over my case.
Thanks for the link Bkev. I have one stubborn former creditor. Accounts reporting wrong, disputed, no luck. Wrote letters by snail mail, still no budging. I do have an attorney, but he does not specialize in consumer law. I might just have to contact this attorney. He is in Chicago & Joliet...YES!
No problem... There was an article about him in Collections World magazine <trade pub> as one of the 5 attorneys to stay away from.... Sounds like a glowing reference to me... Looks like some them are temp broken links... posting to see if they get repaired....
Lawyers, attorneys Michael Lewis Lawrence J. Farber and Allan Cook, Denise Richardson's lawyers; can anybody find their web site? There seems to be nothing on Stewart Ranson Miller, either, although the phone number works. Here's the address on the Collections & Credit Risk magazine site (recorded here because the other links have disappeared): The Miller & Miller Firm PLLC P.O. Box 7103 Dallas, Texas 75209-7103 Voice: 214 352-5757 Fax: 214 352-1328 Stewart Ransom Miller, Lawyer The magazines says, "Claim to Fame: Ranked by the American Collections Association as the Texas lawyer most likely to sue its members for FDCPA violations."
Re: Experian Does It Again!-Update Update: It now appears that my State's Attorney General is going to be involved in my battle with Experian.
Re: Experian Does It Again!-Update Mist, I am glad to hear that the A.G.'s office is going to be on your side. If I may make a suggestion, you might also consider contacting your local legislators (state assemblyperson and state senator) to get them involved in it. Also, find out who Experian's local lobbyist is and tell him that you are getting the state legislature involved in proposing legislation to impose substantial civil penalties for behavior like that exhibited by Experian. Having worked in the California Legislature as a senior legislative analyst, and currently as an attorney, I can tell you that you may very well get results by doing this. Good luck, and be sure to keep us apprised! -chriscraft
Re: Lawyers, attorneys Greg- I think you are looking for these guys. Lawrence J. Farber 30 Boltwood Walk Amherst, Massachusetts 01002-2155 Phone: (413) 256-8429 Fax: (413) 256-8526 ********************************** Allan K Cook c/o Lesser, Newman, Souweine & Nasser 39 Main St Northampton, Massachusetts 01060-3132 Phone: (413) 584-7331 (413) 584-7965 (413) 584-7989 Fax: (413) 586-7076 E-mail:, I will forward this to your email as you directly requested this information and may still be searching for it. Shawn
Re: Lawyers, attorneys Aren't you afraid that this is just not someone with a similar name but identity theft?
Re: Lawyers, attorneys I really, really, don't think it is identity fraud. I have actually spoken to this woman and she is in her 70's, a widow with health problems (I've received her invoices!) with a very sick sister in a nursing home. Everything that has happened thus far has been Experians fault, not hers. In fact, if anything, she is more at risk because "I" have too much of her info rather than the other way around. If I were a bad person I could really do her some damage using the info provided on MY reports about her including address, phone #, DOB, Drivers License #, account #'s, etc. The A.G. had asked me to put together my paperwork and I've been procrastinating. I'm paying for that now because just TODAY her name popped up AGAIN on Experian!