Went to CU to ask for reconsideration. They pull EQF. I pulled my EQF just yesterday. It was perfect except for 1 30 day in May. Cu pulled it and 2 charge offs popped up that I had previously disputed. THIS REALLY SUCKS. But I owned up to them (what was I thinking?). Pray for me, PLEASE... Can't figure out how to get into Creditwatch, user id all screwed up. On top of all this, NCO pops back up again on TU! Score dropped to 623 from 667.
Or you could have two profiles. They may have removed the stuff from one profile, but not the other, and your CU may have gotten the one that still had the negatives.
That just might be the case. Pulled another report and it does not show the charge offs or the collection account. I called them earlier and they wanted to enter a dispute. Will call them again...
On the phone w/ EQF as I type The rep swears that they do not have two profiles for me. And that the report that the CU pulled does not show the two charge offs not the collection. On hold waiting for a supervisor right now... Updates at 11
Got a supervisor to finally admit that they have two profiles for me: one under my maiden and one under my married name. My maiden name shows the derogs ONLY. Unfortunately, went back to the CU to let the loan officer in on the situation. She already know that I had two profiles and had pulled them both. No way around that....POOEEEY But this may not all be in vain. This means that they are violation of the FCRA Section 611 Procedure in case of disputed accuracy because they did not sent me a notification after they 'deleted' the accounts that they were being reinserted. They also are in violation of Section 605 Requirements relating to information contained in consumer reports because they are not disclosing that the accounts are/were disputed on the report that the CU pulled. Can anyone think of anything else? Looks like I'll be joining the SCC (small claims club, heehee) soon, very soon.
I dunno... In a way, I would not mind them being separate since the ONLY thing in the 'old' file is the two charge offs and the collection. No other accounts are on that profile...Now if they want to delete that profile altogether, that's a GO! But, I have previously disputed all three items that are on the old profile to my avail. They should not be on there. Told that to the sup, also informed her that they were removed and that they must have been reinserted. I let her know that they are in violation for not sending me notice that it was reinserted. This crackhead said that was the responsibility of the creditor! and tried to use the FCRA to back her up! HOW 'BOUT THAT?!?!?!? One lawsuit, coming right up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!