I have a problem with Experian and Equifax. I'm trying to get Asset Acceptance and Chase off my credit report. They keep reaging my accounts therefore trying to keep it on my credit report longer. These accounts are paid. I filed a compliant against them with FTC. Experian told me that they have verified these account several times with the creditors and I need to contact them to get these off. Equifax told me to contact FTC. I have documentation to prove that these accounts have been reaged. I have previous (old) credit reports that shows the correct last activity date. What should I do? All help is appreciated.
I have the same problem with Equifax. I am in touch with Vicki Banks and she wants me to send proof of this. Why should I when they know? At any rate, I would send an email to the following: Bob.Cutrone@equifax.com Robin.Holland@equifax.com Vicki.Banks@equifax.com Patricia.Graybeal@equifax.com Experian and I are cool for now! Is there anyone else out able to assist us both with a reaging problem? PLEASE HELP!!
My hubby had Asset Accept. Corp on all 3 of his, it was a while back but I think all he did was say(he called the CRA's) when he would call AAC the number was no longer in service, when he wrote he never got a response. (this PRE CRRR, we never did it that was back then) 30 days later it was gone from all 3. KHM
Fax the old credit report - just black out what you don't want them to see, leave enough info so they know it's you. Then send a letter to the creditor telling them you know what they are doing, you have proof, and you will sue them if they try to put it back on.