Discouraged :(

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by vectorz, Jan 9, 2002.

  1. vectorz

    vectorz Well-Known Member

    I'm getting really discouraged. Okay, so request for investigations to the CRA's don't work because they pull their excuses. Collectors don't verify, yet gives me little ammo to do anything with. Can't sue them, unless proof of damages. What the heck?! I thought we had rights? Rights don't do any good unless someone will enforce these people breaking the law! I thought CRA's are OBLIGATED and HAVE TO fully investigate a dispute upon your request, according to the law, and if they don't, aren't they BREAKING the law? I thought that CA's HAVE to verify within 30 days, or they'd be breaking the law. So if all these people are breaking the law, why is it that nobody's enforcing the law?! Even when I have proof that these guys break the law, taking them to court won't do good, because the judge rules that there aren't any damages! I'm ready to give up. Anyone know of a good company that'll do this for me with guaranteed results? I'm about worn out.. tired..
  2. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    1. If you send a validation letter to a CA with no repsonse in 30 days then send the estoppel letter. Give them another 35 days. If you still dont' get a response send all of this CRR to the CRA with copies of the letters and green cards showing the CA can NOT validate the debt. Then give the CRA 30 days to verify. If it comes back verified request a procedural description. At this point you have grounds to file in small claims court.

    2. Hopefully the CRA will settle out of court, but if not you have your paper trail. In the meantime apply for credit and keep the denial letter. That is showing you were denied credit. Also figure up the difference in interest based on what you pay vs what you would pay WITHOUT the collection account (estimate). Go apply for an apartment or a $5,000 loan or something. That is something you lost due to your inaccurate credit report.

    Don't take this as 100% correct, because I am learning too and a do it yourselfer at this point. I tried Junum to no avail and will NOT pay anyone to do this anymore. I've found I'm learning lessons the hard way trying to clear this up. IF I ever think about missing a payment again, I'll remember this year of hell and the cost of postage etc etc.

    Good luck and you CAN do it :)
  3. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    I hear what you're saying it does seem to get frustrating I mean if the consumer were to be breaking the law as much as some in the credit industry you better believe some folks would be going to jail. I guess when you're a big major corporation the rules seem to change. Keep your chin up and keep fighting.

  4. fand123

    fand123 Well-Known Member


    Don't give up. At times most of us felt the way you do but we kept at it. Don't let these clowns shake you down. You will just be one those guys that the CA/CRA's chased away. Just gather a sh*t load of paper trail and when all else fail and you think of definitely giving up, just file a suit against these clowns and who knows, they might settle out of court. The only thing you have to loose is a few bucks. Create a paper trail and sue their arses. I did, I sue Equifax to a clean report.
  5. vectorz

    vectorz Well-Known Member

    Well, the thing is that I already paid for my mistakes. I had to go through a bankruptcy. It's as if I went through a bk, and on TOP of it, I'm STILL dealing w/ creditors that adamantly still report to my credit file , even though they've been discharged! I might as well not have done the BK.

    I remember once, I had a traffic violation for crossing the white line by about 1 inch. I took it to court and the judge said it doesn't matter.. if I break the law, I HAVE TO PAY the penalty. Even though she realizes it was completely harmless, I BROKE THE LAW. Funny life is such a double standard. These M#$@#$ break the law all the time, and can get away with it.
  6. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Why don't you tell us the specifics of what is going on and maybe we can give some suggestions.
  7. jackrabbit

    jackrabbit Member

    hi! i am new to this board and am wondering if there are any lawyers as members? also is anyone interested in NOT getting credit?i am trying to fight bk and on this board it appears everyone just wants more credit.
    also i am wondering if bk, as our original poster brought up really does end it.i would really be interested in her whole story. my husband has a judgment against him and we are basically waiting to see if anymore judgments follow to determine if bk is the answer, something i really don't want to do..i hope i have'n't offended anyone here, just testing the waters.
  8. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member


    I'm sorry you are fighting a bk but I'm afraid that you, like others before you, seem to misunderstand why people here "want more credit."

    The reason is because of the way ratios (debt to credit limits) affect FICO scores. FICO scores affect whether you can get a mortgage or a car loan or most any other type of credit. Not only that, they affect HOW MUCH IN INTEREST you will pay over the life of the loan. With respect to mortgages in particular the difference in FICO scores could mean tens of thousands of dollars in excess interest.

    Another reason people are going for additional credit is to take advantage of 0% promotional APR's.

    Yet another reason is to leave themselves an out just in case one of their current creditors decides to jack up their interest rates. Should that happen they can then move the debt to another card with a lower interest rate.

    I think there are so many people here who are aggressively paying down their debt but at the same time obtaining new credit for their "credit portfolio." It's a smart move and one that I've been practicing myself.

    Certainly, the excess credit can be a temptation but I think most CreditNetters have been there and done that so are actually less likely than most to repeat their mistakes and have taken big steps to manage their finances a lot better.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    Resident LAWYER-IN-TRAINING...Saar
    99%+ of us could NOT get by with only one card with a $500 credit limit...
  10. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Don't be discouraged. Set some goals. Maybe some small goals. Give yourself a timeline. I hope to be finished by Summer.

    I started off small and made a couple of wrong moves but I am learning. I enjoy making the ca scratch their heads when they receive my letters in the mail. I would prefer to call but they record everything and that is very frustrating.

    It can be done, look at LKH, LizardKing, Dogman and many others. It can be done. You have to be very, very persistance. Expect to spend ALOT of time in the post office. Spend alot of money sending crrr, priority mail, express mail, etc. Whatever it takes.

    Fix your credit by any means neccessary!!

    I was going to use a credit repair agency. But, I figured I am my own best advocate. NO ONE will care about my situation like I will. I am capable of doing this. Alot times people don't answer my questions, but I keep on going and it is NOT going to stop me!! I am always thankful when someone does. You will have to do some research and read alot and post when you have a question for clarification.
  11. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Judgments are made to be vacated.Try it.

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