Re: Innovis, talk vs. documentation One thing you can be sure of is it's not a conspiracy ================================= ===================================== You can bet your bottom dollar that the're not out to get anybody!
I'm not saying it's a conspiracy but Innovis is the local credit bureau for Equifax in some states. All I'm saying is something is highly suspicious. It just doesn't make sense..........
Re: Innovis, talk vs. documentation So I just called: ME: Hi I was wondering how I would get a copy of my credit report from you? INNOVIS MORON: The only place you can obtain a copy of your credit report is from the 3 major CRA's, equifax, trans union and Experian. ME: Is Jonathan Price available? INNOVIS MORON: He's not in at the moment can I take a message? ME: you sure can, can you have him contact [KHM] at xxx-xxx-xxxx? INNOVIS MORON: Can I ask what this is in regards to? ME: A statement he made regarding your company being a CRA. INNOVIS MORON: We are a CRA, do you still want me to put the message through? ME: If you are a CRA then you are bound by the FCRA, which states I am allowed BY LAW, to obtain a copy of my credit report. Therefore by you denying me that right you are in violation of the FCRA... INNOVIS MORON: I'll pass you message along <click> So let's bombard these *******s with requests for our CR. If the woman answering the phone says no way ask for Jonathan Price. KHM
Well, as the official spokesman for Americans Against Delusional Paranoia, please allow me to make a brief statement before fielding questions from the press: Yes, Innovis is a pain in the butt. Yes, they are a fourth credit reporting agency, by their own admission ("FCRA-compliant" is the phrase they use). No, they aren't complying with either the spirit or letter of the law with respect to FCRA -- which puts the lie to that "FCRA-compliant" business. And, yes, we collectively need to do something about this. Now for a few NOs... No, this is NOT a surprise. (We've been posting about Innovis for months. Search the board for "INNOVIS"...) No, we don't need to imagine that Innovis was formed for the express purpose of thwarting those people who attempt to repair their own credit. (We aren't the center of the universe. In fact, we are a very small speck of dust in the big credit picture. For every person who takes the time to correct his or her credit today, there are probably a few hundred thousand others who are filling out credit applications with no intention of ever knowing what in the heck the phrase "credit repair" means.) No, we DON'T need to begin inventing fantasies regarding conspiracies. And, of course, we don't need to feed lbrown59's ever-ready supply of delusional I-told-you-so grandeur. I seem to remember that at least one Creditnet member managed to acquire his/her Innovis credit file. And, I believe, another Creditnet member (or maybe it was the same person) sued Innovis in small claims court for one reason or another. Again, a quick search of this board will tell the tale. (I'm between commitments right now, so won't have time to look into it until late afternoon or tonight. Hopefully somebody else will finish that bit of homework in the mean time.) That's it. Questions? Ok, none, super. We return you now to our regularly scheduled programming. Doc
I just got off the phone with Innovis. They told me they are in the midst of compiling their databases and "have not reported to any crediters". Based on this fact they are not obligated to give consumers their report. This just totally freaks me out. I hate being lied to. As soon as everyone decides what we are supposed to do about this I am 100% in. Bobbi
Got the denial letter from the CU today. Their reasons for denial: BTW, the denial letter speaks nothing of Innovis, only EQ 1. Excessive credit inquiries (Yes, I admit, I do have a few) 2. Delinquent past or present credit obligations with others (On Eq, only had 1 30 day late on a cell phone account) 3. Length of employment (only with current job nearly 5 months, but was last job for 2.5 years) This is my game plan: a. Dispute inquiries with EQ b. Call CU to find out how long they want you to be on a job, and either satisfy their guidelines, if they only want 6 months, or negotiate based on past employment c. See if they will admit using Innovis. If possible get a copy of the report they got. I will definitely be disputing with Innovis and suing them if need be.
What bothers me the most about this whole thing is we don't know what creditors are using Innovis. They could be pulling Equifax and Innovis, or TransUnion and Innovis and we have no idea because "the fourth credit bureau" refuses to allow us see our own records. Unbelievable. Everything we have disputed, altered, or changed may not be really changed at all. Whatever we decide to do, count me in. We have no idea how many so called other "credit bureaus" are doing this, but it needs to stop. And I think Innnovis should be the first to face the class action lawsuit they have complying against them. Dani
I already know I'm in their file if Freddie Mac uses them. But who else is using them...Citibank, Juniper, Amex, BofA? Any other # of creditors or banking institutions. Dani
THEY ALSO HAVE THIS OHIO ADDRESS: Contributor Information Form Please complete and return this form to Innovis Data Solutions, 1691 NW Professional Plaza, Columbus, OH. 43220 prior to or along with the submission of the first data file. AND LOOK @ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY WOULD THEY WANT THIS INFO. FROM A CREDITOR, WERE THEY NOT A CRA! Contact Information for Consumer Reinvestigations Please provide mailing address for Consumers to contact you regarding disputes. Company Name_____________________________________ Mailing address ___________________________________________________________ City _______________________ State _______ Zip ________________ E-Mail_____________________________________________ Phone number _______________________________________ Fax Number_________________________________________________ Please provide mailing address for Innovis to mail Consumer Dispute Forms. This will be an internal contact and address only. Company Name__________________________________ Mailing address _________________________________________________ City _______________________ State _______ Zip ________________E-Mail_____________________________________________ Contact ______________________________ Title_________________________________________________________ Phone Number ______________________________ Fax Number ____________________________________________________ Preferred way to receive disputes 0 ACDV (Automated Consumer Dispute Verification) 0 CDV (paper)
In Colorado I was able to get a copy and it had Victoria Secrets and a Student loan. I think it more then Fanny Mae that is using them.
Chriscraft did, Here's the thread:
Erica is correct, I did get the report out of them. But I had to squeeze it out of them. The letter which I sent Innovis is reprinted below: _____________, 2001 Innovis Data Solutions VIA FACSIMILE AND P.O. Box 219297 U.S. MAIL CERTIFIED Houston, Texas 77218-9297 Re: Demand for Disclosure of Consumer Credit File Dear Sirs: This letter is in regards to a very serious problem which I have encountered with your organization. If not promptly resolved to my satisfaction, this problem will likely have serious legal and financial repercussions for your company. On ____________, 2001, I sent you a written request for disclosure of any and all credit files which Innovis maintains on me. A copy of my correspondence is enclosed for your reference. On or about _________, 2001, I received from you an unsigned form letter, a copy of which is enclosed, wherein you state that â??Innovis has received your request to update your credit reportâ? and that Innovis is â??developing a credit database and currently Innovis does not provide online credit reports to businesses where you apply for credit, insurance, or employment.â? [Emphasis in original.] As you will note in my __________ correspondence, at no point did I request that Innovis â??update my credit reportâ? or provide me with an â??online credit reportâ?. Rather, I requested in the plainest terms that you simply provide me with a written copy of the credit file which you are maintaining on me. Despite the clarity of my letter, your company saw fit to send me a completely non-responsive reply to my disclosure request rather than to provide me with the information to which I am entitled. This is a wholly inappropriate and legally insufficient response. As you know or, at least should know, the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (â??FRCAâ?), specifically 15 USC 1681, et seq., requires that upon request, a consumer reporting agency must disclose to an individual his or her credit file upon receipt of appropriate information proving the identity of that individual. For purposes of this statute, â??consumer reporting agencyâ? is defined in relevant part as â??any person which, for monetary fees, due, or on a cooperative nonprofit basis, regularly engages in whole or in part in the practice of assembling or evaluating consumer credit information or other information on consumers for the purpose of furnishing consumer reports to third parties . . .â?, and a credit â??fileâ? is defined as â??all information on [a] consumer recorded and maintained by a consumer reporting agency regardless of how the information is stored.â? 15 USC 1681a(f), (g). Similarly, California state law also requires that a consumer credit reporting agency promptly disclose to a consumer all files maintained on that consumer by the credit reporting agency. California Civ. Code §1785.15(b). It is absolutely clear from merely a cursory inspection of the information displayed on your own company web site that Innovis is a repository of consumer credit information and files, and a result of its disclosure of such information to prospective third party credit providers, is a consumer reporting agency for purposes of both the federal FCRA and parallel California law. As such, Innovis is unconditionally obligated under both of these statutory authorities to disclose to me the complete contents of all files which Innovis maintains on me. The failure and/or refusal of Innovis to disclose this information makes available to me a number of remedies including, under California state law: (i) actual damages, including court costs, loss of wages, attorneyâ??s fees and, when applicable pain and suffering, (ii) if the failure to disclose is willful, punitive damages of up to Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), and (iii) injunctive relief. California Civ. Code §1785.31(a)(1), (2), and (3). In addition, in the case of a class action claim, the class claimants may seek punitive damages. California Civ. Code §1785.31(c). In light of the above, I hereby demand that Innovis immediately disclose to me any and all credit files and/or information which it is maintaining on me. Should you fail and/or refuse to timely make this disclosure as mandated by law, I will avail myself of all of my legal rights and remedies in order to compel you to disclose this information to me. You can easily avoid the significant expense, effort, and negative publicity associated with having to respond to such actions by simply fulfilling your legally mandated obligations. I trust that you would prefer to comply with the law voluntarily rather than to have a court of law force you to do so. I look forward to your expeditious handling of this extremely serious matter. Very truly yours, xxxxxxxxxxx enclosures
How do you know if Innovis has checked your report? Does it show as an inquiry or do we assume they back-doored the info onto their Data base without anyone knowing??
So all the things people are saying about Innovis in this thread is a delusion as it isn't true.I'm sure everyone can take comfort in your assurance that all is well. When I warn about something it's a fantasy and when it comes to pass it's a delusion. I don't have to tell anybody it's so.They can see it in the thread.
I went on Eq's website and pretended to be starting an investigation. Low and behold there is on in there. Started: 1/8/2002 End date: 1/11/2002. I did not start an investigation. I guess they took this upon themselves since they now know that they have two files on me.
Witten Innovis PROOF!!! I received a letter from Bank of America in response to a dispute I filed with them via certified mail last month. They agreed to update it correctly and stated: We will update your account at the FOUR national CRA's below. This process may take up to 60 days: Experian (address) Equifax (address) TransUnion (address) INNOVIS (address) The bastards are being used and are going down. Everyone needs to be aware of this. They refuse to disclose reports to consumers, but are being used in same capacity as the other big three. FTC here I come!!!