OK, just got a dispute result back. An account that I paid off has been updated- from R1 to I4!!! My report score has dropped 40 points!!! The account had been late in 1997-yet has been being listed as R1. Is this legit? Do I dispute? HELP!!!
Something similar with a JCP account that I disputed--went from like 1 late (which was probably wrong in the first place) to about 13 lates and I2. This is ridiculous...was this Equifax by chance?! IT ws I1. and R1. The deal is I can't dispute again according to the wonderful EQ employees since I have already disputed it. Isn't that so convenient for them? I am getting seriously frightened by EQ...their employees are so totally clueless and uniformed and also flat-out don't do the work. From your post, I am wondering if they are starting some trend with totally screwing up everyting (I posted about this yesterday; if you want to see it search under JCP, I think). I call would first of all call the creditor and find out what THEY are reporting. If them confirm that all should be current and never late, get them to send a letter in writing confirming that. Then send it--with a signature, EQ won't take a computer-generated letter, they say--and start the clock. That's basically what I am doing at this point. Does anyone else have this much he$% with Equifax? Actually, I should say CSC. They are so disorganized it isn't even funny. I used to work for the IRS and I can assure you that nothing we did there even compared to CSC's mess (btw, the IRS really does try to help taxpayers and most of us felt bad when we'd hear tales of how evil we were since it wasn't so). Good luck and let's not give up this mess!!!!!!!!
The IRS tries to help us? Maybe the employees feel bad but I can assure you the IRS isn't helping me. We pay 31& of our earnings to them. On top of that I pay 2,000 a year in taxes for our home, a 6% tax on merchindise, tax on phone, gas, and electric, taxes to buy my car and who knows what it is on gas. Where is all this money going? I can assure you it isn't to the roads here in Michigan. I think that there are more potholes and that quick fix black stuff then cement. Not to the schools either. I have to send paper, pencils, toilet paper and kleenex with my daughter to school. That is over 50% of my earnings. How in the HELL is that helpful? I would take Equifax over taxes ANYDAY. But to anwer your question, wait 30 days before re-disputing. It works for me.
I disputed it mainly because I had paid it off, but they hadn't updated for quite some time, and still had a balance showing.
well, I'm sorry that you feel that way about the IRS--all that I can say is that in my experience (I worked there until 1998) the employees did really and truly try and follow through. I cannot say that has been true about Equifax/CSC, so that's just my perspective. Equifax has been 10 times worse than any dealings I've had as an employee or a taxpayers with the IRS. Hey, we all have our opinions--I didn't intend to start a debate on the IRS, sorry!
Has anyone had this experience on their report? How did you resolve it? Please, guys keep this on the R4 rating subject-Thanks.
That is why I referenced the similar problem I am having with my account that is suddenly reporting I2 when itshould be and was previously I1. That does pertain to the subject. And if someone does respond to something I've written, I do feel that I need to respond--not to be a pill, but for clarification. Have you contacted the creditor, like I mentioned before? Ask specifically why they are reporting it as R4; in fact, their records may not. Again, is this with Equifax, as mine is? I am wondering if they are having some merging issues or something, since your situation seems quite similar to mine. And you are right about it not updating; it should update correctly and not go to some bizarre status. In your case, it sounds like (obviously) it should be I1 and paid in full/0 balance. This has just piqued my interest since it is so similar in scope to my own dilemma. Good luck.
I had a paid collection account go from I5 in 7/01 to a current status of I9 as of 1/02 and it has been paid in full since 1/00!!! WTF?
WTF is right. I will be writing the creditor, I suppose. No phone calls on this one, guess I need to get my documentation ducks in a row.
ditto. WTF is an understatement. I am assuming this are all with Equifax...are we seeing a trend? And what is the deal? And yes, of course, document your correspondence trail like you said, but the reason I suggested calling the creditor to at least get a starting point. I am beginning to think Equifax is having some pretty strange computer problems if we ALL are having some strange reporting fiascos on old accounts with no balances. I have a feeling the problem isn't with the creditors, but rather with the CRA.