Interesting....Very interesting

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ohnostuck, Jan 11, 2002.

  1. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I called CreditExpert today because my score went to 0. That report is pretty bare, nothing is ever updated, however I had two collections removed with CHOD. She informed me that if there is no activity on your report in 6 months then you do not have a score. Only things within the last six months are used to calculate. I previosly had a 628 before the last two were removed.

    So in short, this means only things that are updated in the past 6 months count. So if you had a collection that hadn't reported in a year it doesn't count, score wise anyway. This would explain scores not moving when things go bye bye.
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    that is interesting.... although i do not have much faith in csr's at any of the cra's. It would explain some things. I was expecting a bigger score bump when my dh got the judgment removed, but maybe it was the judgment that caused the increase and those small collections didn't really help at all.
  3. Calmest_LA

    Calmest_LA Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info onostuck!!! I have been wondering why in the world my scores haven't jumped sky high after negatives were removed. This seems to explain it. I feel better now :)
  4. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Anyone think that is true with the other bureaus?
  5. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    I don't think it is true with any including experian.
  6. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Thats great, but I didn't make it up off the top of my head. Call them. Tell them that your score went to a 0. See what they tell you.
  7. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    I never meant to imply you made it up. But these are experian reps we are dealing with.

    That just makes not one ounce of sense at all.

    My parents who for the most part remain on a cash pay basis, have a paid mortgage from 15 years ago, sears card which they haven't used since i was in school and one retail card also not used. I took my dad to get a car a few weeks back, his score 805, hasn't had acitivity in years.
  8. dfwgt

    dfwgt Well-Known Member

    I heard once (But don't quote me on this) that FICO scores only go back two years.

    Can anybody confirm this??


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Meaning F.I.C.O. scores have only been around for two years...OR all your accounts that are 20 years old only have anything to do for effecting your score for JUST THE PAST TWO YEARS???
  10. dfwgt

    dfwgt Well-Known Member


    Sorry - guess I should have explained it more.

    Meant to say that the FICO score is based on your payments from the past two years. Meaning that they'll pretty much forgive slow pays assuming you've been a good boy for 2+ years. Not sure about the collection/judgements or BKs.

    Then again, I'm not even sure if that's correct. Probably isn't :(

  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I know INQUIRES 6+ months HURT less...

    As far as somebody with 20+ years PERFECT...NO HELP??? DON'T KNOW...

    I know you get "BIT" for new inquires and accounts for a while...

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