Online Disputing

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Killer, Jan 12, 2002.

  1. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    I've never disputed online. Do you get to type in the text of your dispute and then transmit? How much text can be typed? If I will not be allowed to type in text I assume I get to point and click on the reason I'm disputing? If so, is it as effective as disputing by mail?
  2. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Yes, but if you want to type in a more lengthy reason then "no knowlage of account" ect you have to go to the other box and Experian. BE CAREFUL on Experian, twice no I KNOW I clicked on other and it tried to get me to do a consumer statement. Transunion has a fill in the blanks one and you have to have a current copy of the report in front of you wilth all the info. Eq is very easy.

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