
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Tuit, Jan 12, 2002.

  1. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Are you OK???? You stated in another thread you spent the entire day in the emergency room.

    I pray that all is well with you and yours!

  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Thanks for asking Tuit. I should have clarified - my Mom (80 yrs old, lives with me) fell and has fractured 3 cervical vertebrae - translated - she broke her neck. However, there is no spinal cord damage, and they are doing MRI's and CAT scans to make sure the fractures won't spread (like cracks in a windshield) to where it could damage her spinal cord.

    They admitted her overnight because they are also testing for other neurological disorders related to falling "spells", such as blood clots on her brain and anything else they can think of. She falls a lot.

    Mom doesn't suffer well, either. She is fighting like a tiger - my brother and I overruled her wishes to forego treatment. Apparently, VA has provisions for doing that (adult children deciding for elderly parents). She thinks that we are trying to "get rid of her." She is at Eastern Virginia Medical School - one of the best in the area, and I have been impressed with the neurologist and neurosurgeon, so I feel she is in good hands.

    With an elderly parent, I always know something like this can happen, so I am really OK, however, going through it is still difficult, and all prayers, thoughts or whatever folks do are greatly appreciated.

    Sometimes creditnet is one of my escapes from occasionally-ugly reality. I got home, ate something (after nothing but "machine food" all day), and logged on to creditnet while all the caffeine wore off.
  3. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    My prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time, breeze. Hope all goes well with your mom.
  4. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    Hope your mom is OK.
  5. mike101

    mike101 Well-Known Member

    Breeze, I hope all goes well. Have Faith
  6. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    I'm praying for your strength & the complete recovery of your mom.

    Remember the theme song :)
  7. miles

    miles Well-Known Member

    I hope everything goes well with your mom, Breeze. You and your brother ought to be commended for your persistence to help your mom. I know some parents can be very stubborn (my mom included-LOL), but in the long run, they will be happy you helped them. :)
  8. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the words of faith and encouragement. No word yet, so she hasn't beaten anyone up, LOL.

    Rina, I will put the CD on right now. :)
  9. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    I kinda thought and was hoping it wasn't your mom. I know what you are going through, took care of my mom when she was dying of cancer and also took care of my father-in-law until he died. My mom was a jewel of a patient (she was only 52 when I lost her) my father-in-law was very onery--but loveable! I know full well what you are going through, I am praying with all my heart! That's a darn good sign that your mom is a fighter!

    It is never easy trying to care for an elderly parent, so many adjustments to make and things to worry about but this is the worst.

    When we are small we try our parents patience, and in their elderly years they can try ours! Sorta a full circle thing.

    It is a difficult task to take on, but like you I was so very glad I had the ability and opportunity to do it.

    Again from one who has been there my heart goes out to you and yours this is just the worst that could happen to your mom at this time (no good time for it) you have trying times ahead I know.

    Your mom is lucky to have a very strong and loving daughter by her side! Not surprising when you consider you came from a good mold right! :)

    I am praying that all will be well soon! Tell your mom that all the creditnetters are wishing her a speedy recovery!
  10. mirabelle

    mirabelle Well-Known Member

    I am so very sorry about your mother and hope she gets better soon. The main thing is she is getting excellent medical attention.

    My father is almost 75 and falls a lot; he really is just developing more and more old-age symptoms. My mom is a year older and is great--I think it saddens her to see him fade, so to speak.

    It is so hard seeing our parents age and have problems. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers; just take of yourself as well.

  11. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Tuit. Anyone who has been there knows. My mom is a cancer survivor, I was primary caretaker then also. I think I finally "grew up" then.

    She has one of those cervical collars on, and she was demanding that I take it off (in language you wouldn't believe from an 80 yr old lady). She said, "they must have spent a lot of time figuring out how to make something this uncomfortable."

    When she wouldn't let up with the cussing, I said, "Mom you shouldn't use that kind of language in front of your children" and she replied, "I forgot you were my child, I though you worked here."
  12. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Yep Breeze that sure gets our attention, like a slap in the face, or a bucket of cold water! Nothing like it to open our eyes to the reality of life!

    Sounds exactly like my father-in-law and yes I know first hand how colorful the language can get! And I also know how heartbreaking it is for you to start getting the "I forgot you were my child, I thought you worked here." Makes it extremely difficult!

    I know you know that she doesn't mean half the stuff, she has found herself in a helpless condition and is desperately looking to you to fix things, but you are helpless to do so and can only be there to support and care for her. None of us want to lose control over our lives and that has to be the ultimate fustration. I believe this is one of the hardest things in life we have to deal with, except of course
    when it is our time to get old and dependent.

    Take each day as it comes, we are here for you. :)

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