Need Help On Last Steps!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sm691, Jan 14, 2002.

  1. sm691

    sm691 Well-Known Member

    Thanks to many of you here, by reading your posts and using the letters, etc., we are on the final stages of getting my husbands credit cleaned up!! THANK YOU ALL!! We just have a few pesky things that I wanted to get your advice on...

    1) Discover Financial. Shows on his TU and Equifax, DLA 1/96. Past due ballance $2252. They have a judgement against him, but I was able to get it removed from all three bureaus. This was ex wives but he also signed on it. I have disputed over and over and only gotten it removed on Experian. I was thinking I would send a validation letter, but I don't know if you can do that with the origional creditor. We could pay it (I also thought of trying for a deletion in exchange for paying it).

    2) Victorias Secret (yes, also his ex wifes!). Only listed on TU, chaged off on 6/2001, does not list a DLA. Ballance is only $282.00, so we could pay it, but it is the principal of the thing for me. Could I send a validation letter?? I was able to get the other two bureaus to delete through the dispute process...

    3) Asset Acceptance Corp, listed only on Experian. He truly does not know what this is. There is no DLA listed, and the ballance is $4950. We have disputed over and over, and they know our correct address (They pull his report every so often) but have never contacted us. It looks like they are a collection agency, because it lists the origional creditor is First Bankcard Center. Any ideas about who this is??? Should we send a validation letter?? We can't afford to pay this one all at once, but I was thinking that if the could prove it was his (through validation) then we could try and settle for 1/2 in exchange for deletion. Any of you have any expierence with either of these companies???

    Thank you for any and all suggestions!!


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    I have heard that Discover s tough to get rid of. Just keep trying.

    To my understanding validation letters are only for collection agencies. All I can say is keep disputing...Did he cosign this one too?

    Definitely ask for validation, I surely would not pay it if they cannot prove that it is yours, especially when you do not recall having an account with them.
  3. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    What does their divorce decree say about division of debt? Did this happen before or after they were divorced?


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    There is a DISPUTE for EXPERIAN something like "BELONGS TO EX-SPOUSE"
  5. sm691

    sm691 Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys. To answer your questions, yes, he co-signed for everything. And...the divorce decree is not much help. They must have used Dowe, Cheetum and Howe as the attorneys, because it does not specify ANYTHING about any of thier joint debts. I'm not sure if she cares, but we do and I want to pay off any debts thare are legitimately his and get those deleted that are not. These were incured while they were married, but chaged off after the divorce was final.

  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but a divorce decree does not override an agreement with a bank/creditor. Trust me we are going through the same crap with hubbys ex-wifes car loan that he co-signed on before the divorce. Even if the divorce decree says she is responsible for her debts, you "technically" can't use that as an excuse, but I beleive you can take her to court and get a judgement against her for the total amount owed so YOU can in turn send the money for deletion. Not positive about that one, but Judge Judy had a similiar case like that the other day and awarded the plantiff the money. (HER COURT HER RULES
  7. Sub4Prime

    Sub4Prime Well-Known Member

    3) Asset Acceptance Corp, listed only on Experian. He truly does not know what this is. There is no DLA listed, and the ballance is $4950. We have disputed over and over, and they know our correct address (They pull his report every so often) but have never contacted us. It looks like they are a collection agency, because it lists the origional creditor is First Bankcard Center. Any ideas about who this is??? Should we send a validation letter?? We can't afford to pay this one all at once, but I was thinking that if the could prove it was his (through validation) then we could try and settle for 1/2 in exchange for deletion.

    Oooooooh these guys are bastards! it is a collection company. They will hit your credit report and never contact you!

    They just hit my Experian report with an inquiry Jan 3 until then I had never heard of them.

    The ploy is to wait until you are trying to do something [buy something, repair your credit]and then they bring the pain.

    The corp office is in Warren Mich and it seems the office you need to send your validation letter to is in Fla i am still trying to take the mask off of these people.

    They call my job asking for an employment verfication just last friday! LOL the recept patched the call right to me! ;~)
  8. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    I am dealing with them. Asset Acceptance is NOT licensed in the state of FL. Use that to your advantage and try to get a deletion.

    They are nasty, I am trying to get that ca off. They added 100% interest to a charge off. Make sure you document everything.

    I sent the validation letter to Warren, MI but they wouldn't sign for it. Or they did but the Green card never came back. So I sent it again to the PO Box in FLA Priory mail, Delivery confirmation. They got it Friday.

    I am lining up all my paperwork so I can sue them.
  9. sm691

    sm691 Well-Known Member

    Thank you guys for the info!! I have the address in Warren Michigan, but not the FL one. Would one of you guys post this for me?? ALSO -- which validation letter do you recommend??

  10. sm691

    sm691 Well-Known Member


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