update...and bummed

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Christi, Jan 15, 2002.

  1. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Let's see, I paid one CA today and will be getting deletion for that. Paying another one Monday. Not sure what that will count for? 3 points maybe...lol.

    I lost 6 pts on CE(experian) for that new First Premier account :( but it will be one more + tradeline.

    NOTHING from TU lately. I've got a contact now and suspect I might have to file on them this week or next. No word from Experian on the lawsuit filed yet against them. Equifax Consumer Affairs is still handing my disputes.

    Otherwise..I'm bummed out. Tired of trying and spending all the money on postage, reading daily (for hours and hours). Researching law cases etc and reading everyone's great success and feeling like i'll still have 500 scores a year from now.

    A week ago I was feeling positive but today...the bomb dropped and it was like "Ok Christi, try as you may, you're still gonna have crappy credit".

    I just don't know what to do next. Try Lexington? Try anyone or anything that can give me a break. I've tried Junum and was NOT successful. Creditwrech deals with collections and that's all I have left. I dont know what to do anymore. Take another few months off?
  2. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    Consumer Affairs? What's the difference between this division and the "regular" people?
  3. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Awww:( Don't worry it will get better. My Experian went down 7 for NOTHING. But Transunion went way up. You will get there. I promise!
  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    You've been at this since March. How much improvement has there been since then? Quite a bit right? So if you go another 3 months there will just that much more improvement. I don't know exactly how much more you do have to go, but you've been doing great by yourself. If you hire someone, they won't do any more than you have and probably not nearly as well as you have. So cut the crap and stick with it.
  5. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Ah, Christi... stick with it.... I bet all of a sudden things will come together for you and you'll be so thrilled, you'll be doing the happy dance all over the board! <g>

    Good things will come for you... re-read some of the success stories and maybe that will give you some renewed energy to keep plugging away.

  6. Calmest_LA

    Calmest_LA Well-Known Member

    Hey Christi,

    I feel pretty much the same as you do right now. Frankly, I am worn out from it all. Perhaps a break is what is needed at this point, but I wouldn't give up. Everyone says to keep on pushing forward, so that's what I plan to do. I hope you will not give up...keep fighting...just take a break now and then as needed. Good luck. Believe me, we are in the same boat...so you are not alone, that's for sure! Good luck, and try to keep your chin up.

  7. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Yeah Cristi

    Keep your head up!!!

    I felt the same way when I got my CHOD results from Equifax only 1 negative deleted! But I figured I've only been at since Nov. and I've had 2 deleted.

    I look at it as a learning process and there is always a recourse. Legal or otherwise.

    I'm just trying to beat them at their own game and I think that is fun and interesting.

    I am NOT giving up. I'd like to buy a house someday and I'd like to get a better job and not be embarassed if they pull my credit.
  8. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    Don't lose focus Christi!

    That is what they want, is for you to give up.

    No one said this will be easy, but keep up the fight because it is sooooooo worth it!

  9. mirabelle

    mirabelle Well-Known Member

    oh gosh....how I can relate. I think that anyone who has tried to dispute credit items or pay off debt or anything comparable feels like an ant moving a boulder up Mount Everest.

    All I can say is keep plugging...at some point (and while I think we all want instant results, sometimes it takes longer) it will get better...just keep plugging and don't beat yourself up. It's irritating--my husband and I disputed some his accounts that really were late--they come back "paid as agreed"--and I can't get my stuff that really IS wrong corrected. Makes no sense.

    I think, too, that you are making progress from what you've written...just think of how much money you have saved by *not* using one of the companies, since you are actually willing to do it yourself.

    Just hang in there--I know that sounds trite, but just keep at it.
  10. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    What did I tell you young lady??? Listen...I may have an upside to this. My email is on. email me and I'll let you in on it, OK?

    Keep your chin up. I haven't had any deletions in a while and they refuse to reinvestigate. I'm in a bind, though, my home address isn't where I'm living. So I can't just walk up to Buffalo and sue them that way. I gotta think of something creative. I'm in that rut, also.
  11. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member


    I got all 3 of my reports in October/2001. My TU score is a sorry 411. My boyfriend has just walked out on me and my rent is $1,044 behind. I am so anxious to get started but can only mail things out every Friday after I pay the landlord to get caught up on rent. So were talking maybe 3 items per week I can only mail but thats better than not mailing anything out at all or mailing without CRRR. I want to do everything right but due to my finances I just have to do everything on Fridays when I pay everything else. But I will use everything left over for my CRRR mailings. I've got a long way to go but when my lease is up in June I would like to go out and get a beautiful apartment without a co-signer. Hang in there. Sorry for babbling, I think I needed to get that out of my system.
  12. lwg8tr

    lwg8tr Well-Known Member

    Boy how all of us can relate! I've been at this for 9 months myself. I know it is frustrating to see some posters on CreditNet discussing whether to choose the Platinum card with a 15,000 limit or combine their two gold cards, when we can't even get approved for used car loan. But you know what? They were there also. I guess it's a matter of applying pressure in different areas, validation, verifing with the CRAs, negotiating, and good old fashioned begging. You also have to be willing to go to nuclear war..the small claims lawsuit. There are many good paralegals which can help you file a small claims suit and persue it Pro Se.
    I am frustrated myself, and looks like I will have to "push the button" on a couple of these guys. I have AMEX who has sent me letters throughout my validation and estoppel process saying they don't even have record of my account number, yet they keep verifing all my disputes with the big three. I have asked for procedure from the CRAs and you know what? They point back to the same department which sends me the "We don't know who you are" letters. Seems like a big circle jerk. I may have to go after the big three in court. That gets their attention and cuts right through the bureaucratic bullsh*t, as some more successful members of CreditNet can attest to.
  13. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    Christi - Don't give up!!! Just look at how far you have come. I just started this and there are days when I think well, maybe I will just quit for a while. But then I think... in three months I can be where I am right now if I quit or I can be so much better off if I just hang with it. Please don't feel so down! I think it is easy to feel that way when you are pretty much at the mercy of the credit bureaus - but please don't give up. Happier days are ahead! :)
  14. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    First...thanks for the encouragement, sometimes it's easier to give up. I read some more posts and said ok what haven't I tried? Begging? So since most of my negatives are medical collections I started making some phone calls and guess what? THANKS a million to whoever posted about their hospital deleting in exchange for payment. Mine does too. I have 4 collections with them (small too) so next week I'll be going in to pay those off for deletion. That will leave about 3 medical collections and I've sent the CA 2 validations and estoppel letters. They have until 2 more weeks to respond and then I will send all proof to the CRA in hopes for deletion of those. Otherwise I'll have 2 Capital One chargeoffs remaining and the dreaded CCB charge-off. I will pay Capital One with my income tax (hopefully in the next 4 weeks) and then BEG Mr Cooke or Mr Miller to change my status or help me out someway. So far, they wont' agree to that :( As far as CCB that charge-off will remain for another 5 yrs because I REFUSE to pay them period!! So thanks again to everyone for the encouragement. Now I have to start working some extra hours to pay these people off in exchange for deletion :)
  15. Sub4Prime

    Sub4Prime Well-Known Member

    Sometimes when your back is against the wall the only thing you can do is push out.....


    The only time you lose is when you stop. I was doing okay with deletions, but that was nothing compared to the info I found and employed here.

    If you are running low on cash just do online disputes, no it doesn't get you the paper trail but it does work! I have sent 8 disputes to Exq alone last year. On 3 nothing ever changed! Do it every month if yyou have too!

    All of my stuff has come off via written disputes and recently online. Just keep sending that sh88! in.
    i know if is hard, but not nearly as hard as having bad credit.

    I have been working on this since last Jan 2001, I had 9 pages or more of negative info on my CRA's from my divorce and a lousy cl of 800 on 2 CapOne cards.

    I am sure at that point my scores must of have been in the 300's!

    Speaking from experience it seems like all of the good stuff come towards the end. I am a phone call away from a Plat card with Capone. I would have never ever ever found out about Mr Cooke and the Citi deal [ just called they need income verfication]if I just packed it in.

    PRESS FORWARD cry, whine or Bitch if you want be keep MOVING!!!!!!!

    You are probably closer than you think! Most of the good thing for me have happened in the last 2 months!
  16. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Sorry Ms Jackson..."no pun intended". Hey great that he's gone now as opposed to you taking his last name and then him leaving. You will do well also. I resorted to faxing things in myself to save some dough. I have to say that this does seem to work. Good luck!
  17. anesthesia

    anesthesia Well-Known Member

    In this last CHOD round, I only disputed my medical collections and the one collection that was not medical- a phone collection for under $75. I found out the results today:

    Experian start- 6 medical collections
    1 phone collection

    Today- 6 medical collections deleted
    1 phone collection deleted
    I paid one medical creditor who reneged on deal to delete in exchange for payment, so sent lizardking validation to their CA who was reporting, no response, deleted. 4 medical collections which CA in my town refused to delete. I called their Calif. headquarters, worked a deal, paid, they deleted. (there is more than one way to skin a cat, keep calling and talking to DIFFERENT people). Kept calling the phone company and their CA, both said they wanted my money, but refused to delete. I didn't pay. I disputed. Deleted yesterday.

    Trust me, I was REALLY down in the dumps in the past, but little by little, you will get there. All those deletions of collections gave me a 2 pt jump in my EX score. whoopdi do. Oh well.

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