Things that make you go hmmmm...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bobbidk, Jan 16, 2002.

  1. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member

    This is a first for me. My husband has a civil judgement that was file on 6/97. I just received a copy of the proof of service. It's dated 2/19/2000. Do you think I can get it vacated based on this. It looks screwy enough to me.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    PROOF OF who, at what address, date, time, WAS HE THERE AT THAT TIME, ADDRESS, ETC? DID he sign anything? Was he really served?

    IF THEY FAKED IT...slam gets removed...
  3. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member

    I signed the CRRR, the point I was making was we were served 3 years after the credit received a judgement.

  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    How can you be served after you have already been judged?
    Kinda like sentencing you after you've been hanged isn't it.?
  5. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member

    I thought so too. Isn't this just too much fun. I am getting all the hard stuff off our reports because of stuff like this. You wouldn't believe the sh$$t I have seen in the last couple of days. It's actually not much of a challenge if they keep handing me stuff like this <grin> I just have to keep on my toes and watch the dates of things.

    Oh well, too much fun.

  6. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member

    That came directly from the court. Isn't this a little bizarre?

    As GEORGE said, "Slam dunk".

  7. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Absolutely!! That is about as far out as it gets!!
  8. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    i would dispute and when the cra verified i would ask for procedures and then I would sue them big time!!
  9. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member

    That's my plan. I was going to get it vacated, but proving the CRA's wrong is a whole lot more fun.

  10. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    Look carefully at what you received. Is it the proof of service showing that he was served with the lawsuit, or the proof of service saying he was served with the judgement?

    They have to serve him with the complaint before getting the judgement. They also have to serve him with the judgement after they get the judgement (but usually only by mail, depending on the state).

    Here is what I am getting at. The court file may show a prrof of service for the lawsuit. That one is the key to whether or not he was properly sued. That may have happened in 1997. Then, once they got the judgement, they had to send him a copy, usually by certified mail. It may have taken a while for them to find him which explains why that was just down. That may be what you just got. This is just one of many possible explanations.

    My other theory involves space aleins.
  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Just make sure on the affidavit it says the documents served were a summons and complaint - not some post judgment documents. If it it post judgment docs, the dates would be legit.
  12. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member

    I just got off the phone with NJ courthouse. This is what happened:

    1997 Judgement entered
    1999 Judgement vacated by creditor
    2000 Judgement entered again

    I was totally confused because it's listed on the credit reports as entered 1997. I signed for the second summons but I thought they were copies from the original judgement not another one being filed.

    Are you confused yet? I am. I'm just going to dispute it with the CRA's as the wrong date and see what I can get there. The confusing thing is it's the same docket number throughout. That's why I thought it was the same judgement.


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