I sent Gulf State (OSI Portfolio Services) a validation letter requesting that they offer validation for an alleged account that they are reporting EX and EQ. In response, they sent me a letter telling me that they require the following items in order to "investigate my dispute." The items that they are asking for are RIDICULOUS. They want a copy of my driver's license, a copy of my social security card and my signiture five times. This is insane. Is this request pursuant to some law? What should I volley back? In my opinon, it is on them to offer a burden of proof. If I there was a legitmate account with them, wouldn't they have this stuff? I am under NO circumstances disclosing this information. Help. mizfixit
Nice try by Goof States. Must be reading the board. Hi Goof States! Don't fall for it. Stick to the plan. 30 days and the next letter.
I will do you one better......they ignored my request, I sent the Estopel letter, then disputed it with Experian. They verified it as accurate! So, I filed a complaint with my AG. I am awaiting for the outcome. I told the Representative from the AG it doesn't matter the outcome, the tradeline should be removed! They violated the FCRA on atleast 3 occasions. I am going to wait for the outcome, then its off to the local magistrate for 5K. I can proove damages. You gotta love the arrogance of this company. First they're fined to high heaven by the FTC, and they continue to violate the law. The FTC is a major JOKE!
I have also had problems with a Gulf State affliate in the past. You also want to look up the FTC opinion letter of March 10, 1993 from John LeFevre to Jeffrey S. Wollman. It makes it very clear that the debt collector must establish the validity of the debt--not the debtor. Further, the debt collector--not the original creditor--must mail the validation obtained to the debtor. I filed an AG complaint against then also, detailing this FDCPA violation and the derogatory tradelines were deleted. Greg
I have compiled a rather nice validation letter and I am going to dispute with EQ and EX on Monday. If they verify... then I have them! I just cannot believe how ridiculous they are, asking for a copy of my DL, my SS card and FIVE signatures... WHATEVER!!!
I have a collection account with Gulf State/ OSI. I have never recieved a letter from them that I can remember. I believe the SOL is this year. I'm trying to buy a house this summer. Should I send validation letter, although they have not contacted me recently?
I would wait till after the sol because the validation may get their attention and they may take action.
I have problems with Gulfstate too. They're playing games. I called Equifax today about my tax liens, & she told me to contact the FTC. I also gave her the original date of the charge-off. I told her I didn't care if that went back in & gulfstate came off. I think she's going to fix it for me. I think I'm going to have to sue them to a) stop contacting me and b) get off experian. The REAL last activity date is 1/96. They keep reaging. Nasty buggers.
I was typing slower than I was thinking.... Called about taxes, inquired about gulfstate while I had her on phone. She told me to report gulfstate.