Very strict requirements !!!!!!! I have a student BofA Visa that I got back in 1994 and I applied three times before I got approved for the student visa card with $800 credit line. In April 2002 I will have had this account for 8yrs. My limit still sits at $800 and I have kept the account in good standing. I called customer svc to get a credit line increase and they said they don't give increases on the student accounts and that I would have to apply for a standard visa card. I don't think this is fair but I cannot close this account because it is my oldest tradeline. BofA is very strict !!! I filed bk back in Jan 1998 and did not include this account. I am lucky they did not close this account. I keep this card in the sock drawer with $0 balance and use it twice a year only for activity purposes.
That's a smart move. I would just pay them....then like 6 months or so down the road try to re-dispute them. Maybe they might not come back verified.
I got BOA secured card since 95, infact its my first cc. After reading the info on CreditNet, I decided asking BOA to De-secured my card on April 00, thanks to CreditNet! 95--> 00 $500 Secured Card @ 18.99% April 00--> $1,000 Unsecured @ 18.99% Then.. Applied.. Upgraded... NOW--> $12,000 Platinum @ 9.99% BTW: My acct never late Herman