i had a judgement entered 10/98 and they began to garnish my check... well i switched jobs and they never found me. it is the only judgement remaining on my cra's. if i dispute it will that make them come and look for me or does that just have to do with the court house?
is there annnnnnny way i can prevent them from coming after me at a later time??? the sol in ill is 10 yrs so i have a way to go on that i never even knew about the judgement untill they showed up on my job with the garnishment papers
GHONEYHONE, Sorry to hear about your son. Not to sound discouraging, but I was in the same situation where I switched jobs (and my address), yet the creditor's legal dept. managed to track me down. It took some time, but they did it. There are a few inquiries by their law firm on my EQ report from that time period, so I'm guessing that I applied for credit at some place or another around then (brilliant move), and my employment info was then updated accordingly in my credit file. To give them some credit, though, they did offer payment arrangements that were far more generous than the legal limit for wage garnishments; perhaps, if your situation allows, you might be able to work something out with them before it gets to that point again. Your son comes first, of course, but if that dreaded call from the payroll dept. can be avoided, then nip it in the bud, by all means. Best of luck, wajaba