I pulled my equifax last night and it has gone up 18 points since Nov the 15th...I disputed to items on my report in Nov and they came off..But it shows that I had 9 inquries in Dec..Just purchased a car...How is that possible..Does that mean that without the inquries my score would have been that much higher..Back in July score was around 513 and now it is a 589.. IBut an 18 point increase with 9 new inquries on my credit report..Just does not make sense.........And also I have 2 orchard accounts which are not reporting..One I am a joint on since August ...One just opened last month ???
Dispute those inquiries (except for the one that gave you theloan) the daler probably "shopped around" looking for the best loan deal.
TO be honest...II have done all of my disputes online..Now the letter that I would send to have inquries removed, would that b e called a validation letter.......??
Dino- No you can do it online! Sign onto CE, got to the report, click on "requests for your credit history" then click on the creditor and up top click on "request an investigation". Mine usually take the full 30 days to come off, sometimes 1 or 2 won't come off, so just redispute. I have disputed about 25-30 and all but 2 have come off. I am down to 7 inquiries, waiting on the results of 3.
Dino- I am SO SO SO SO Sorry, I thought you had said Experian, but I just re-read and it said equifax. Unfortunately there is no way to dispute inquiries thru them. Some people have had luck writing the BBB about the company that actually pulled the report! Good Luck!
Gosh, I musta totally missed this - you're saying that the inability to dispute inquires with Equifax is common knowledge? Now I'm cranky and feel dumb. Ozzy.
Thanks alot for the info guys..I will be pulling TU and Experian tonight and see if I can get rid of inquries on those reports....