Cap 1 Platinum GOT IT!!! Help!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Fat Jake, Jan 17, 2002.

  1. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    Took them awhile to respond to the Guarenteeed Offer. Anyway I was looking to get another $500 card. Well low and behold I got 7.5K at 14%. This is definaltly my overall best card. Which bought me to another delima... who should I cancel or try to combine if any. Heres a little insight into my situation.

    Hers a Snapshot of my reports
    Ch7 1/1996 Correct and reporting on all Reports

    EX- 5 Neg Accounts All gone this year except one 2/03
    EQ- 3 Neg Accounts All gone by 10/2002
    TU- 2 Neg Accounts One gone this year the other 5/2003

    All reports have one or two positive closed trades that survived Ch 7. Nothing Special here.

    Cards I have

    Prov 35 Months 7K
    Cap1 25 Moths 1.5 K
    DMB 22 Months 1K They have $100 Secured
    GETSMART 19 Months 3K
    Target Guest 4 months .5K
    Cap1 Plat New 7K

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    See if you can combine the Providian and the Getsmart, I don't know if you can cause I have 2 getsmart cards and they won't let me combine, but it's worth a shot!

    Can you combine the 2 Capital Cards?

    I wouldn't get rid of any of them if you can't combine those cards, just leave them. You have a good mix of cards and not too many!
  4. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Call Mr. Cooke at the consumer advocates office...put the 7K onto your classic card and then have him upgrade the classic to a platnum....I did with a gold card...had three now just the one gold but it's my oldest tradeline...from my classic card.


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