Question... I had an account that Experian could not verify. This is also being reported by the other two CRA's - so if I send proof that Experian deleted to the other two CRA's, would they delete also, or would they do their own investigation?
There was a post from someone (dont remember who) just the other day that sent one CRA report to another CRA to show that they deleted and it worked. Will post a link when I find it for you...
Please do. I got 2 items deleted on one report and would like to know also if you could send to the other 2 @ssholes and ask them to remove.
Thank you so much. I will try and hope & pray that it works for me. I just think that if you keep on disputing with all three, it just buys them more time to see what they can dig up. Thanks again.
Andrew, Can we get more details on your results and what you wrote in your letter(s)? Thanks, this will help alot of us.
I simply sent a copy of TU's dipute reults to Experian with a copy of my Experian report and with a letter explaining that the account was verified as "not mine" (or whatever the case may be) and politley requested deletion.
Well interestingly enough...I hope that before the day's end that we can gather some information on steps to take to use this strategy. I think that this will work...If you all get my Experian report cleaned using this...I'll send you a dollar once I get approved for my AMEX LOC!!! LOL!! Just hope the check does not bounce!
Everyone trying this method - please post your updates! if it works, I will try it too! But I;'ve heard that it's the job to not share among those companies.. so I didn't think it would work. Please update when u guys get results! Thanks!
You just have to make sure that by sending a copy of a report where the deletions were made you are not verifying something else derogative.
I would only send the page showing the deletion and black out everything else with a marker, because they MIGHT pick up and add something else negative given a chance. My problem is that I got my stuff deleted online so I have nothing to show the other 2
Christi - I disputed online but Experian has been sending me copies my credit report every time something is deleted or whatever through the mail. I think there is a place somewhere on there that you can ask that the results be sent via the mail. And if you keep the report number, you can always go in and check the status. That's what I do.
Good idea...I can go back and check the status and print it out where it shows deleted. I think I'll try this with TU. I am going to send them a big manilla envelope with copies of my validation letters, estoppel letter and the green cards. Then I will enclose showing where Experian & Equifax have deleted the accounts. I will tell them they have XX number of days to send a procedural description of HOW they verified or I will be filing a lawsuit and I intend to file it. I will get all that together at home tonite and mailed out tomorrow.