
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by msjackson, Jan 17, 2002.

  1. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    Would you mind sharing your scores with another 400 club member. I did'nt think anyone on this board had scores in the 400's besides me. My TU is 411 and when I get the other 2 I will share (not embarassed one bit - come this time next year will be in the 600 club hopefully). Also, is there anyone else with 400 scores? Can we get a 400 club started and all reach our credit freedom goals together? LOL.

    I love this board more than anything and would not trade it for another site ever.

    Have a great day to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. What ever happened to mail call? When I started reading the board in October I really enjoyed that. Bring it back please.
  2. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Msjackson, your other scores may be much higher...I had only been looking at my Equifax and CreditExpert scores...601 and 584 and have now come down a little account showing from getsmart, anyway, I just got my TU score for the first time a couple of days ago...401????? doesn't make any sense....2 unpaid collection accounts...1 30 day late and 6 positive when you get your other scores you may be surprised!! I was!!

    WTF 401?????????????????????
  3. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    While I await my scores from equifux and experian please jump in everyone and tell me what you all estimate my scores might be:

    Collection x 1
    Judgment x 1
    C/O's x 5
    Positives (closed by me 1 year ago) x 2
    Inquiries (unauthorized - will dispute) x 13

    Collection x 4
    Judgment x 1
    C/O's x 6
    Positives - same as above
    Inquiries (unauthorized - will dispute) x 6

    Jump in everyone - whomever is closest to the actual when they arive in the mail will win a prize from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I have no idea!! I would suggest getting some open positive tradelines though....that's the only thing that's going to help you in the long run....even if you dispute and delete all negatives, it won't mean much if there is nothing to prove your creditworthiness...correct me if I'm wrong anyone.
  5. annie

    annie Well-Known Member

    Ms Jackson,

    Try the Kmart Mastercard. I am just a fan of Cap one for rebuilding. I have seen a 100+ jump in my TU score. Getting some positve tradelines will help. I even did the secured saving loan with a bank. After I pay the loan back, I still have the money.


    Just trying to keep "The Man's" foot of my neck
  6. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    What can I apply for though with TU 411 and the other 2 probably around the same if not less? I would love to start a positive line to have on my reports but I thought it would be wise to try and remove some of the negatives first. Help me out here everyone. If I was a smart little girl I would not be in credit hell!!!! I truly value eveyones opinion on this board and always will.
  7. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    annie, sad to say but had CapOne Kmart and regular CapOne and they are both C/O's. Any other secured cards I might be able to try and get. I know, I know sad situation, poor me.
  8. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I don't think Cap1 would be a good idea(yet). I would go for subprime 1st, unfortunately the fees and interest rates are horrible but you have to start somewhere...I have First Premier-hate'em don't recommend, CCB-great, highly recommend, Getsmart-new since 11/01 no opinion yet but hate the APR after intro rate...Target - great, highly recommend, Had 3 Cap1, highly recommend, but would clean up the reports and get a positive tradeline first....GOOD LUCK Keep us posted!!
  9. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    soup, are you saying apply now for one of the cards you have listed or wait until reports are a little cleaned up.
  10. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Smile, chinup, you can do this and get back on track go for I first got $350, now upto $1200 GET a positive tradeline going, when you reach bottom you can only move up! You've learned from your mistakes! Keep moving foward! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!
  11. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

  12. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much, I truly appreciate the advice and at first was a little embarrased to post but I think I will just jump right in here and get this ball roooooooling.
  13. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I think the only requirement is min. income & one positive deliquencies in past 6's worth a have to start building while removing...worst thing is an inquiry have can dispute later if you're declined...I think it's worth a shot.....if all the derogs are older than 6 months.
  14. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I understand how you would feel (embaressed) me too! This isn't something you talk about freely in the real world which is why it's nice to have such a great board for support!! We are all in this together!! It's a nice circle...someone finishes...someone starts...and the advice keeps going!!!
  15. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    AAMEN!! I am so blessed that I am an operator on my job so I have access to the board from 7:30 am - 4:00 pm. I never miss a post until after 4:00 which I really don't miss because as soon as I get here in the am guess what? I continue with the 4:01 post from the day before. Hooked????? Yeah.
  16. superadman

    superadman Banned

    I'm sorry MsJackson, I am for reeeeaaaaal...

    There will be many negative things said about most subprime credit cards because they are subprime credit cards. Let's face it, many subprime credit card companies treat their customers like delinquent kids in a reform school,... but in a way, that's what they are.

    You must grin and bear it, the subprime credit cards are your clear way to quickly establishing positive revolving tradelines.

    But FIRST you must take a look at how much cash you have saved and how much cash you bring in monthly, subtract your cash obligations, the amount you spend on essentials and BS and then look at the figure that is left.

    Can you afford to get some subprime cards? Can you afford the high BS fees of $100-$300 they will charge you to open the accounts? Can you afford the extremely high fees they charge you for any and everything as you use the accounts? Can you afford NOT to charge them to the hilt when you do get them? Can you afford to keep the balances safely below 35% of your credit limit which you MUST do to build your credit scores? Can you afford to pay the bill down to a balance of $1.00 or $1.50 several days BEFORE it's due which you MUST do to maximize rapid score growth? Can you afford to insure that your payment posts with no BS by actually paying it electronically a few business days BEFORE it's due? How many such cards can you afford to fool with?

    I believe that you can have anything in life that you want if you are honest to God willing to pay the price.

    If you will play the subprime game for 6-8 solid months, you will be able to replace some of the subprime cards with prime cards like Citi, BofA, Amex and others.

    By the way, all 3 of my scores were in the 400's this time last year.
  17. doodyhead

    doodyhead Well-Known Member

    OK, WHAT is a C/O????

    sorry for my ignorance : )
  18. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    charge off...
  19. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    ms.jackson, my scores are EQ 430, EX 481, and
    TU 476. i started cleaning up my reports in aug 2001 i started with 38 negs and i am at 26 now. my scores btw did not budge! i went to 510 on EX for 1 day in dec then a gulfstate was reinserted and i lost 41 points! so far though i have only dealt with the CRA'S (my printer wont print!) i have a repo and citi,MBNA amoung the biggest debt. FIRST NATIONAL BANK in Brookings, S.D. was the first to offer me a creditcard back in july of 2000. a 350 limit with 18.9 int. i was late once or twice and they did not report it as such. that one is only at 450.00 now though. i also got cross country 6 months ago NOT the credit card but the national express account LOC it started at 500.00 and is currently 850.00 now i know they have a bad rep but i have really never had a problem with them i pay them moneygram 8.95 so they cant say they did not get the payment! i also owe cap 1 but i have a cap1 too, i accidentally accepted a preapproved offer that put my providian chargeoff on to a cap1 visa. DUH! most of my bad credit is medical but the credit debt i have is large. i started in 2000 with 40,000 owed on my reports and today 17,696. i'm rambling anything else i can answer just ask. thx, kelly
  20. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    don't forget your local bank or credit union for secured loans and/or credit cards.

    Many will allow you to open a savings account or cd and use it for colateral on an installment loan or credit card.

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