There is an account with a finance company on my Experian credit report. This is on there two times - same account number, same balance, same date opened - everything is exactly the same except for the status - one says Status: Open/Current, was past due 120 days. The other says Status: Open/Past due 150 days. Are they in violation for duplicate reporting? It is currently in dispute and will be done in three days, but when I called today to check the status and asked them if both of these woould be deleted, they told me that one of them would be deleted, the other would have to be investigated. IT IS THE SAME DARN ACCOUNT!!! Please, please somebody give me something to fire back at them so that I look like I know what I am talking about!
Not to piss you off, (Lord knows I have been in your shoes), but they are not wrong in what they are doing. Sorry, sweetie...
It's true. They will delete one of the accounts. Validate and dispute as not mine the account that isn't deleted and go from there. I actually had this happen to me. You just have to go one step at a time. Bobbi
This is all I could find! § 607. Compliance procedures [15 U.S.C. § 1681e] (b) Accuracy of report. Whenever a consumer reporting agency prepares a consumer report it shall follow reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy of the information concerning the individual about whom the report relates.