you started. Another brief question. Landlord filed judgment 08/2001, I did not go to court because I hate my landlord and was just going to move and pay the $700 later down the line and settle for paid judgment but I stayed and paid all back rent (behind again due to jack@ss boyfriend but landlord is accepting weekly payments) should that 08/2001 judgment be deleted now that he is accepting payments and I still live there? Confusing???? For me too.
Legally, no. They got a default judgment, the same thing happened to me. Paid the back rent, continued to live there.
I believe you can do one of two you said dispute...or try and have the judgement vacated...after you're done with your payments go to the courthouse civil service dept. and file to vacate...someone esle can probably do better in answering from a legal standpoint...whatever you do, do not be embarressed, go and do what needs to be the long run you will feel better.
I went to court for my mother a few months ago, she had a default judgement, as long as you can come up with a legit reason you didn't show, you can get it vacated.....we paid a settlement amount and had the judgement it can be done.