Credit Management Incorporated of Carrollton, Texas. these are some of the most unreasonable *******s that I have ever dealt with. I called on Monday to see about getting a credit line removed that is about 6 years old. However, they inform me that I still have a $10 balance for a collection fee. I told them I didn't have a problem giving them $10. they still won't remove the negative from Equifax nor Experian. They will not compromise. what can I do? EBra30291
If it's 6 years old, ignore it. They can't report it after 7, and for $10 I dont' think its a big deal. IMO
I definately wouldn't pay it. That would put a new date on it & you'll fight for 7 more years. At 6 yrs old, it's probably not hitting you much at all.
Yup - I'm dealing with them right now. Had a collection back in May of 99 for a TCI bill that I had no idea I had. I called them up and disputed it, they gave me the royal shaft. They then told me that once it's paid they wouldn't report it (Big mistake was I didn't get it in writing!) I paid, then for the next year and a half whenever I pulled a credit report it showed up as unpaid, so I called and demanded a letter showing it's been deleted. They instead sent a letter saying it's been paid. They said they never agreed to remove it. So now, with the help of Doc, I have sent them a validation letter - if that doesn't work, I will send another letter demanding to receive the statements that TCI "supposedly sent me" otherwise I'm dragging them to court. Unfortunately, they've been bonded since 97 - I would love to have nailed them on that..."Sigh" Anyways, I would advise leave it alone, or else call and ask if you pay would they remove it (Make them put it in writing - learn from my mistake)... GT
I already asked them if I paid it would they remove it and they said no. Some guy named Ricky said that he didn't care if it was just a $1, it would stay. EBra30291
I am currently dealing with this company. They have an AT&T Cable bill. I have found that calling them on the phone does NO good. Only way to get results is to send letters CRRR. I called to ask for verification and the b*@%# said they would not verify the account because more than 30 days had passed since the account was transferred to them. Total BS, I know, so I sent a validation letter CRRR. Lo and behold they did a verification. They took off the charge for the equipment that I returned, and now I am fighting over the service charges. I am demanding a listing of every charge and payment over the entire history of the account. Nothing yet. Will keep you posted. By the way, are you in the DFW area, too?
I am - sent off the validation letter this weekend. I'm hoping they decide to just be rid of me since my collection is paid from 5/99. But then again, they may want to yet again remind me of why I'm a die-hard Satellite owner GT
Sorry nursie you are wrong. The seven year clock will not restart. We've established this fact on this board. The recent change by Congress was to address this situation. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.
You are correct Killer. Once an account is charged off or sent to collection, a payment thereafter will not restart the clock.
I am in the Atlanta area. AT&T cable purchased my cable company in 2000. You are right, CMI is made up of a group of a@#holes. EBra30291