So Called Positive Tradelines

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by shport, Jan 17, 2002.

  1. shport

    shport Well-Known Member

    Help me out.

    I have closed credit accounts that are positive because no balance is owed.

    I, however, think they negatively affect my score because a few not 30,60 or 90 day late pays.

    Should I leave them alone or request validation for those with late pays to remove? Would it increase my score to have these removed despite being termed as "positive"?


  2. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Are the accounts postitive or adverse? If the account has even 1 30-day late, it's no longer a positive account. Dispute first with CRA. You may get lucky and they'll just delete the lates. Validation isn't for original creditors, it's for collection agencies. If you have a tradeline that is positive, you don't want to delete it. You'll only hurt your score.
  3. shport

    shport Well-Known Member

    That's odd. I keep getting mixed answers. You're telling me that validation is for CAs yet I sent validation to everyone who had derogatory comments on my report and they all dropped their comments.

    I think it works for all. I just want to know if a closed account with a few lates it truly positive information or if it's just as bad as an open/late account?

  4. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    It's just as bad if not worse, depending if it was one of your oldest tradelines. If an account has just one late on it, it's no longer positive. It's now listed under "potentially adverse information"
  5. Saar

    Saar Banned

    What sometimes "works" and what the law provides are 2 different things©

    "Validation" is a legal term that has legal consequences when dealing with collection agencies©

    If you used that term when corresponding with the original creditor and it appeared to "work", that doesn't mean they legally HAD to do it, or that it would work next time©


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