Holy crap what a fantastic freaking day!!!! I got home and there was a strange thick envelope. I opened it and there was a CitiAA Silver card with a $3000 limit!!! I applied for it 6 days after I applied for the gold and still got it!! So I combined it into the Gold, and I now have an $8,500 limit!!!! Then I open my TU report w/score. TWO reports, one says 834 score (I almost fainted), but the REAL report was right there, same score as below. THEN hubby and I go car shopping. I QUALIFIED FOR THE 0% financing!!!! I have NEVER qualified for that. However I went with the rebate and 9.5 cause the 0% was only for 36 months(payments to high) and 4.9% for 60 months was higher than doing the rebate and 9.5%. I GOT MY TRUCK!! BRAND NEW!!!! OM GOD I'M GONNA FAINT!!!
WOW!!! Can I rub your neck to get some of your luck??? CONGRATS!!! (silently doing happy dance for you, don't let Doc see)
Thank you so much!!!!!!! I NEVER would be where I am now if I didn't stumble across this board! I forgot to mention the dealer said my Imperica(sp?) score was a 718!!!! ::doing the happy dance FOR Doc, and me:::
Emperica is TU. Congrats Beacon is EQuifax and FICO is Experian. Also a car loan score is slightly different from the other type of score.
AWESOME NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great news is alway the best news. Much congrats to you KHM for becoming yet another CreditNet success story. You are definitely an inspiration to me and many others. When I go to sleep tonight I'll be dreaming of "a strange thick envelope..." LOL
Womderful!!!! But wait--did you say new truck?! Did you opt for the slightly used one or another one?! Sounds like you did great...we all need some good days like that!!