Who is the contact guy at cap 1?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by nursie, Jan 18, 2002.

  1. nursie

    nursie Well-Known Member

    I had applied online last night & got the gold w/ a $200 limit. I don't want that if that's it. I have a cap 1 mc with a better limit.
    I want to call the guy you all love so much, but I can't remember his name.
  2. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    Mr Cooke
  3. nursie

    nursie Well-Known Member

    Thank you! I'm going to call right now. Wish me luck.
  4. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    Throwing Luck Your Way

    Let me know I'm in the same boat w/ you.
  5. nursie

    nursie Well-Known Member

    $500 and no annual fee. I can live with that (for now).
    He also encouraged me to keep up with the credit clean-up so I can reach platinum status. Encouraged me to call him again.
    Cap 1's alright with me.
  6. txstep

    txstep Well-Known Member

    So to get ahold of Mr. Cooke, do you just call the regular 800 customer service number? Doesn't he wonder where all these people are getting his name? LOL
  7. fand123

    fand123 Well-Known Member

    I don't think he should worry. This board is probably the best advertisement cap1 can get for free. Moreover, he can be rest assured everyone calling him as a result of this board is serious about their credit and bet the default rate will be minimal compared to the general public. Let's face it we all came here because one way or the other we have screwed up our credit and we want second chances. I don't about you guys but I am not going down this path again.
  8. superadman

    superadman Banned

    To get to Mr. Cooke, you do not call the regular customer service number. He works in the executive offices and very often it's best to reach him via planetfeedback. He always responds with care and attention.

    Easy access to Mr. Cooke can remain a benefit that we enjoy as members of CreditNet Straight Talk as long as we don't abuse the access and cause him to change the number or something, heaven forbid. Mr. Eugene Cooke can be reached during east coast business hours at 800-955-1455.

    fand123 you make an excellent point.
  9. nursie

    nursie Well-Known Member

    I did a search for Mr. Cooke & got the number from an old thread. Sorry, I already closed it but it was the first one that came up.
    He DID ask me how I got his name. I said from a friend. I also said that cap 1 had a good reputation for helping us out in reestablishing ourselves.
    I'm also NEVER going to go down that path again.
  10. txstep

    txstep Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for the info. I certainly don't want to bother or upset this man as he seems to have given a great deal of help to many people on this board. Maybe I will try the PlanetFeedback route. I have never been to that website before. Will go check it out.

    Thanks. BTW...SOOOO glad I found this website!
  11. nursie

    nursie Well-Known Member

    Say what? You deserve the help, too. He really was very nice. I didn't feel like I was bothering him at all (that is his job, isn't it?).
    Go ahead & call.
  12. fand123

    fand123 Well-Known Member

    I think I read a post here a while ago stating that some alerted Mr. Cooke of his celebrity status on this forum and his response was that he is just trying to doing his job. He is a real nice to talk to.
  13. superadman

    superadman Banned

    There is nothing wrong with calling Mr. Cooke. He is paid to take calls although his company intends for most of the calls that come in to go to a frontline person via the number on the back of your card.

    He is in the executive offices and his department normally deals with very special circumstances. You get much further with him than you can with the regular "customer no service" department. Great guy to talk to and he is much more reasonable in evaluating your situation than the typical $8/hr person. I simply hope that we will always have access to him.
  14. txstep

    txstep Well-Known Member


    So glad I called. Mr. Cooke increased my standard MC from $200 to $500, my Visa Gold from $1000 to $1500, and my MC Gold from $2000 to $2700.

    That should really help my debt to credit ratio! Now the next obstacle, getting my credit report to show the actual credit limit, seeing that Cap1 doesn't report. I will have to do BTs to get the balance almost to the limit. Not a problem!

    Thanks everyone!
  15. superadman

    superadman Banned

    Mr. Cooke strikes again!
  16. romanduv

    romanduv Well-Known Member

    Just a thought, your total CL is $4700. Maybe you should call a month from now and convince him to combine all your accounts and upgrade to platinum. There is a $5000 minimum requirement for it, but he might give you that tiny push to get u over the limit.
  17. txstep

    txstep Well-Known Member

    Good idea...any idea as to how that would affect my credit score?
  18. romanduv

    romanduv Well-Known Member

    That depends on a lot of things...
    But assuming you will get the new platinum card to report as if it was opened the day of your oldest current card, it could have a slight positive affect on your score.

    But the real advantage would probably be the actual benefits of the platinum card (APR, etc.). Also it is a nice leverage when applying for new credit ("I already have a 5000 platinum card, can u match some of it's terms?")

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