HELP! CAP1 Info Needed asap

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Calmest_LA, Jan 18, 2002.

  1. Calmest_LA

    Calmest_LA Well-Known Member

    I already have three cap 1 cards (one is Kmart), and I just applied for the Platinum card to transfer a balance over from Providian.

    But I was denied the Platinum and offered another Cap 1 card with a $200.00 LOC at 14.99 APR, and $59.00 annual fee. Which card is this?

    What is it with Cap One?

    I don't know if this is the classic card, gold card, secured card or what...since it obviously isn't the Platinum.

    I already have their gold card, the secured card, and the Kmart card.

    I'm guessing this new one is the classic card? Can anybody tell me which card I just got and how to get all these cards/balances combined onto just one big card - I want to do a decent balance transfer, so I can say goodbye to Providian before they go under.

    Thank you for help.

  2. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Not sure if you can combine the cards you have. The secured card has to be unsecured. If you took a CL increase within the last 6 months- Cap 1 will not unsecure your card. (May have to PFB them).

    Also they will not combine your K-Mart card with your other Cap 1 cards.

    As for what you just applied and approved for, my guess it's the Classic green marble card.

    I don't honestly think Providian is going to go belly-up anytime soon. I know they are not in perfect health, but they just made a huge transaction and are taking positive steps. My guess would be NXCD will belly up first.

    Hope this helps.-

    Best regards,
  3. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    The Kmart card and the secured card is not combinable. If you get Capital One to unsecure your card then it is combinable. When you applied for the Platinum card which is very hard to qualify for you were considered for a different card with different terms. If you are not happy with the new card, call Cap One and ask them you want to cancell because you do not like the terms. Speak with retention and maybe they will give you something better.

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