Discover card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by steve, Jan 18, 2002.

  1. steve

    steve Well-Known Member

    Just curious, why is this not accepted as widely as Visa/MC ? Is it because of higher merchant fees like Amex ?
  2. rick

    rick Well-Known Member

    Discover is fairly new...first introduced in 1985 or 86. Also Discover is only issued by Discover Bank (one issuer-much like AMEX in the USA). MC/Visa are issued by thousands of banks. When a merchant signs up to take credit cards, usually through thier bank, the bank sets them up for Visa and Mastercard automatically. If you want to accept Amex, Discover, Diners Club, or JCB you have to contact that company and set it up---most merchants don't jump though that hoop. If enough people ask to use thier cards there, the merchant can often be persuaded to accept that card.
  3. skittens

    skittens Active Member

    Discover charges the merchant lower fees than Visa/MC or Amex. Doing so was necessary in order to get its foot in the door, so to speak. I think it may have overtaken Amex by now in terms of the number of merchants who accept it (in the U.S.).
  4. ingenue

    ingenue Well-Known Member

    Oddly enough, there was a pizzaria in my college town that ONLY accepted Discover or AMEX (no VISA, no MasterCard)


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I've seen AMEX ONLY...but not AMEX and DISCOVER only...NO VISA/MC...
  6. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Amex charges the merchant a higher fee than visa/mastercard or discover. That is why Amex is not accepted everywhere.
  7. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Discover works in the US only!. There is not other place in the world where you can use it.

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