I have one card left, Citibank at $2700 ($3650 limit). Only other loan(s) are $5200 for loan consolidation and $15000 for car. Well they have me at $30000 so it sounds like Honda has yet to remove my balance. Oh well, I'll give them until the end of the month before griping. Hopefully when the letters from the bureaus return they'll bring good news... GT
Not sure - TU has me blocked out of their on-line site because they couldn't verify my info. Not sure where to check Equifax score without ordering a credit report. GT
I don't think you can get your TU score online (the real one, not the notworthknowing one). I wish! You can get equifax at eloan.com
Hey Nursie - how accurate is eloan? I'm at 674. Granted, I'm basing this on a 638 score I got in 12/01 (Credit Union - they said they pulled Equifax, but then again they gave my wife a 636 and she's never been late) - since then my credit cards have been consolidated, car refinanced and as of this month I've been derog free for 2 years (So I'm hoping the score is correct!) Please cheer me up and tell me eloan is accurate so that I can get into a very good mood GT
I really don't know how accurate it is. They haven't given me a score w/ my reports, so I don't have anything to compare to. Anyone else know???
I personally would dispute the Honda. They haven't updated my report since 6/01 so it looks like I owe about $3000 MORE than I actually do, although, seeing as I HATE American Honda Finance, we are serioulsy thinking about trading it in for another truck . BTW GT- your still closer to 700 than me, looks like you may win this race.
I'm not talking about the notworthknowing score, but isn't the score that always come free with your TU report the TU score? hth
I should proof-read before I post. I meant to say that I refinanced my car, so it looks like both the credit union and American Honda has a balance on me. I have a letter that shows the car being paid off, so on Tuesday I'll mail them off to the credit bureaus to update. Now now KHM - I may have a head start but you're on a "roll", I'm still getting warmed up - I'm still hoping that Eloan score is correct... GT
The E-loan credit score is based on the TU report. I know this, for this week I checked both the E-loan score and TU Online score and both were identical. Regarding the drop in the TU score, don't feel so bad. I dropped 145 points over the last month (from 850 to 705)! In Dec., I added four new accounts and three new inquiries. One thing is for sure......no more credit cards for 2002!