They just sent me another chance to increase my cl by $1000 for $99. I tossed the first offer before I knew that they're so hard to increase. Is it worth the $99 or are there other ways to get an increase without paying?
Try pfb ask for the increase without the fee it has worked for me before , I received the same offer today , for my account, also if you dont want to mail it in you can call and they will now do it over the phone since you received the offer in the mail just mention it.
If you need the additional credit go for it. Last time in July of 2001 they sent me a $2000 credit limit increase for $49 and two weeks later they gave me $200 increase no fee.
I have gotten those offers in the mail, but I always toss them. I have gotten two increases for free without even asking. I say try to get it another way.
If you get those offers, in my experience, they give you a small incerase anyways, 100, 200 bucks... I think their whole system is horrid.
Well, I really don't want to pay for an increase. They gave me an automatic earlier this month for $200. Now my cl is a whopping $700. Whoopdy doo. I'll try pfb, but I don't know what to say. Any suggestions?
Well if you don't mind spending $99 for a credit line increase then go for it. Maybe you should call them and ask them why they're willing to give a $1000 cr line increase if you pay for it, but only $200-$300 if you dont. I guess one positive would be it would help your balance to limit ratio.
nursie, All my card limit increase are FREE!!! I DON"T pay any fee for LIMIT INCREASE. They made enough money when you're using the card. CREDIT INCREASE IS SUPPOSED TO BE FREE!!!! 16 PTS to 700 CLUB!!! Ron.
$0.34 + THE ENVELOPE AND INK AND ONE PIECE OF PAPER...MAXIMUM... ************************************************************ I'LL PAY $99.00 FOR A $50,000 INCREASE!!!